Ch.25 Old habits never die

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New update!! Sorry it's been a bit longer than usual once again lol

Tommy was getting antsy.

And no, it wasn't because he was anxious this time. Or maybe a bit.

It only got worse after the situation with Ranboo.

He couldn't figure out why he wanted to grab a sword and fight again.

Nothing helped, setting the server to hard mode and killing mobs. Nope. Going on to Hypixel? Nothing. Absolutely nothing.

It felt like he wanted to fight a war again! Which was dumb as shit because he never wanted to fight in wars again. It was the whole reason they all left in the first place. Well, aside from Dream and practically everyone else on the server.

He just...

Maybe he needed a distraction.

"Ranboo, what the fuck is Tommy doing? And why does he look half dead on his feet?" Tubbo asked his husband, gesturing wildly at the mess that was his friend.

"I'm pretty sure he's trying to distract himself," Ranboo sighed tiredly, a hand running down his face as they yawned.

"Not this shit again. It looks more like he's trying to summon Techno than avoid healthily coping with his problems," The goat hybrid deadpanned.

"You're one to talk.." Ranboo mumbled.

"Fuck you too, it's too early for this shit."

"It's past noon?"

"Too. Early."

Tubbo walked over to Tommy, eyes squinted. If Tommy acknowledged he was there in his haze, he didn't show it. Though, Tubbo knew that Tommy is always aware of his surroundings, and considering this is his server, he likely knows where everyone is at the moment.

Tubbo was just a few blocks away from Tommy when a hand pulled him back.

"Hold on a sec kid, if you approach like that you'll be respawnin' before you even realized you've died," Technoblade scolded him, "He's not in the right mind right now, if you want to go up to him... be a bit more on guard so you don't have to spend time reorganizin' your inventory."

Tubbo shrugged Techno's hand off his shoulder and glared at him but listened. He watched as Techno walked swiftly and silently up to Tommy; who immediately took on the defensive despite who he was.

Tommy lunged for a straightforward attack and Techno easily manouvered out of the way. After a few more of possibly some the most annoying moments of Tubbo's life, Techno had Tommy pinned down.

Tommy had went down easier than usual, likely due to the "state of mind" Techno had mentioned earlier, Tubbo assumed.

The blonde's wings were flapping wildly. Techno, who was unable to pin them down with the rest of him, was the unfortunate victim of the feathered appdendages smacking him in the face. After a few mouthfuls of feathers, he finally got Tommy it to stop.

"Tommy, snap outta it," Techno said, keeping Tommy on the ground and waving a hand in front of the blondes face. He snapped his fingers a few times to try and get Tommy away from the chains of his mind.

Honestly, he should've expected it when a jaw clenched around his wrist, sharp teeth digging into thick skin, drawing pinpricks of blood that ran down both his arm and Tommy's chin. He cursed in annoyance, his expression shifting into an exasperated deadpan.

Techno looked back at Tubbo and Ranboo for help with no luck. Tubbo had somehow acquired popcorn, obnoxious crunching ringing through the air, and Ranboo's tail was swinging slowly side to side in amusement. Children.

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