Ch.9 Friend

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(Edited: 5/17/23)

A hooded figure walked with urgency and caution through the cold unfamiliar tundra. While he could avoid a server admin for long enough, it was only a matter of time before he was caught by the server god that he's heard rumors of, he had to be quick.

He trekked through snow, his only saving grace being the lack of a blizzard. He squinted as he saw a figure in the distance, tending to plants around the entrance of a cozy looking home. It wasn't the admin, nor the god so he rushed up to them.

They were caught off guard, immediately looking towards him with distrust and caution, their hand reaching down to rest on the hilt of their blade in tense apprehension.

The figured slowed his movements, raising his hands in the sign of "surrender" to show he had no weapons in his immediate hold.

"I'm not looking for any trouble," He let the person know. She raised a brow, showing she didn't belive him. Her pink hair flowed in the wind with her brown coat that was laid over a poet shirt and brown trousers. Black boots covered her feet and fingerless black gloves added to it. A scarf was wrapped tightly around her neck, her scabbard leaning under the weight of her hand.

He hesitated, not knowing if he could trust this person. But he's gotten out of bad situations before, he could do it again. "Do you happen to know a..." He didn't know if his friend had changed his name, possibly taking on a different alias, and if he hadn't he didn't know if this person would meet it with hostility, "someone named Tommy?" He tried his luck.

The reaction was immediate. Her shoulders dropped into something akin to relief however her guard seemed to go up further. She squinted at him, seemingly trying to decipher something, when she supposedly found what she was looking for her featured relaxed, but she never moved her hand from the hilt of her blade.

She took a look to her left, then her right, muttering something that the figure couldn't quite hear, only hearing, "luckily they aren't here today." Before the other spoke to him again.

"Come inside. Quickly." The other told him with haste, looking around again before turning toward the building they stood in front. She never completely turned her back on him though, showing her experience and distrust. She opened the door looking around once more before ushering him inside a building.

This time the figure followed her gaze, too curious as to what she was anxious about. He saw nothing but snow and trees, hearing a crows caw or a dogs bark, but that was it. As he turned back to follow the other he though he may have seen a glint of green. He rushed inside for fear of the server god or admin. He wasn't supposed to be here.

He noted the exits as he walked in, including the one the other stood by, nodding and closing the door behind him when the woman gestured for him to do so. No matter how paranoid, it simply wouldn't make sense to leave the door open in a snow filled tundra.

The warmth seeped into his bones, a fire running strong in the corned of his eye. He pulled his red scarf down from where it had been covering the lower half of his face, looking towards the only other person in the room with question, only to find her looking right back.

She gestured towards a comfy looking sofa. An offer he didn't take, she didn't sit down either. They stood in silence for a moment.

"How do you know Tommy?" She broke the silence as they stood opposite to each other. She leaned against a wall, the picture in a frame hanging right next to her, one he didn't look over at.

"How do you?" He challenged. The other only raised an eyebrow.

"I know you want to know more from this interaction than I do, so I'd talk." Her eyebrow stayed raised as she retorted back.

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