Ch.14 Attachments

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Hello again :>

Tommy's noticed that his attachments are both his strength and his weakness.

Tommy eyed one of the chains hanging from his neck. He took out the first from its hidden place under his shirt and stared at it as he stood in front of the bathroom mirror.

He had noticed his appearance before, eyebags not looking like dark bruises, eyes closer to blue than grey. Frankly, he doesn't know what to make of it.

There are three chains hanging around his neck, all of different lengths.

Hanging from the first chain was a decent sized green gem that seemed to glimmer in the light. An Emerald. This chain was thin and the longest of the three, the emerald always rests just above his stomach.

The other two chains that hang from his neck still lay hidden under his shirt.

He can never get rid of them, like an emotional force in his heart and brain don't want him to.

He puts the emerald back into the hidden confines of his shirt and takes back out the only chain he ever has outside of his shirt, a compass labeled "your tubbo" dangling on a thin rope that ghostbur gave him so he wouldn't loose it.

He sometimes has the compass in his pocket instead of around his neck. He wonders how they've never gotten tangled together before, he remembers that sometimes he wished they would so he would have something to do in his pass time.

The last chain is one he hasn't ever let anyone in the Dsmp see. A ring rests at the bottom of it, resting above where the emerald hangs. The gem a fierce red that still glimmers in the sun. It was hand crafted with a band made from a mix of gold and silver for the gem to rest.

Tommy made Deo's ring and Deo made Tommy's. They both meant so much to eachother. They honestly mostly had the wedding for a party, they would say for tax benefits but they didn't pay tax anyways.

Tommy kind of wanted to have people there that made him feel important, like they cared. He also wanted to throw the giant ass cake on whoever pissed him off that day. It was more of a joke marriage than anything.

Deo and the bay were tommy's first family after... him. Prime, Tommy doesn't even know if he's still alive. Wait, who is he again...why can't he remember much?

"Tommy from MR Labs!!"

"No no no no, how do you know that how do i know that place?"

"Don't... don't call me that."

"What should i call you then Tommy? Where are you from?"

"Nowhere in particular..."

"Okay then, Tommy from nowhere in particular!"

The back of his neck burns with an invisible pain.

The little mark covered by his hair taunted him with every chance it got.

A bold T0337 dug into his skin with ink and magic. He had begged and screamed and cried, one of the scientists in the room looked away with a sadness Tommy couldn't understand while two held him down and another created the painful reminder.

The reminder definitely worked, always there to remind Tommy where he came from, who he is, what he is. A monstrosity, something like him isn't even supposed to exist, but he does.

What's done is done. And nothings gonna change, really.

Now all Tommy can do is cover the mark and step away from the mirror. Tuck his necklace back in his shirt and fix his hair a bit. Walk out of the bathroom and put a smile on his face.

Pretend everything's okay because thats's what he's been doing. That's he what he has to do. Because he might be healing but he still needs to be there for them. He still has to help them and he can't ever give them up.

He can't do to them what so many others before have done to him.

Just a little chapter lol

Have a great day or night, you're absolutely amazing, don't let anyone tell you otherwise<3

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