Christmas Chapter

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i've decided to be a good author and make a christmas chapter soooo you get that.
Sorry if you don't celebrate christmas but either way i hope you like this.


"Tubbo, Big T, my brother, my bro, what the fuck is this?" Tommy asked.

"Wrapping paper," Tubbo rolled his eyes.

"Yeah, obviously but why is it on me, I'm not a fuckin' gift or some shit," Tommy complained.

To prove his point further he shook the bow, that was so neatly placed, off his head.

And perfect timing Deo decided to walk in at that moment.

"AWWWWW, For me???" He said in an annoyingly high pitched coo. He decided to hug Tommy like a child hugging a stuffed animal.

"I ain't fo' no one bitch!" Tommy said trying to shuffle out of Deo's grip.

Deo eventually let go of him with a pout and opted to go by Tubbo to take pictures instead.

"AY! Stop flashin' at me! 's makin' my eyes all tingly 'n shit!" Tommy yelled.

"Sorry, Sorry" Tubbo said unapologetically.

Unexpectedly Techno strided in, sword in its usual place at his hip and beelined right to Tommy.

He lifted Tommy up over his shoulder like a sack of potatoes and walked right back out. Tommy kicking and yelling the entire way.

"HEY WAIT GIVE TOM BACK" Bitzel and Luke decided they wanted Tommy back so they ran after Techno who was already pretty long gone.

All that could be heard was inhuman screeches throughout... wherever the hell they were.

And purpled has it all on tape.

Where's ranboo? Oh they're being practically 'tortured' by the children.

Merry christmas to all you lot and happy holidays to the ones who don't celebrate the blood day (idk it's red)

have a great rest of your day/night :D

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