Ch.18 Tech?

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I hope you are all doing alright.
I have actually had this chapter pre written for a few months (although i did add stuff to it) i just couldn't find where to fit it in, i felt now was a good time.

Deo was going to go to Hypixel so he wouldn't get rusty and offered if anyone wanted to join him.

Boffy and Wisp decided to go too, and eventually —with much hesitation— Tommy joined them as well.

They made a portal, which was much easier now, and set on their way.

They weren't ready for what was going to happen. Or moreover, he wasn't ready for who would be on the other side.

No no no no no.

This can't be happening, this can't be real. This has to be fake right? A hallucination. Someone must be messing with him. They have to be.

He thought he finally was safe and okay. He was just having fun with those he considers family and let his guard lower. He knows he shouldn't have done that, especially while they're not in the private server.

Be careful what you wish for, as the saying goes, he should've known. You can't have anything, he guesses, as he stares into the eyes of someone he once called brother. As he see's the emotions flowing through those same eyes that he's unable to decipher, he knew that it was real.

Unreadable red eyes meeting frightened blue ones Tommy couldn't find it in himself to do anything but stare in shock. He wanted to scream, cry, run, anything. But he couldn't run from it this time. He was stuck.

He definitely isn't crying, what are you talking about? The great Tommy Innit never cries. He's a big man. He not a child. He doesn't cry. He's not crying.

Techno didn't expect to end up face to face with someone he used to consider a little brother.

You still do A traitorous voice in his mind whispered, he ignored it.

But here he was, face to face with bright blue eyes that he hadn't realized had been missing for much longer than the boy in front of him was gone.

Blue eyes that were in wide with fear and a longing that he would have never noticed if he weren't looking so intently. Eyes that dripped with glistening tears, just seeing it made his heart break, he didn't know why. Or maybe he did.

He hadn't expected to see Tommy here of all places, after running away the from the smp. An smp that caused way more harm than good. It's been a month since then.

traitor One of the more brutal voices in his head hissed referring to the boy in front of him. Techno couldn't bring himself to agree with it.

Most other voices were chanting at him to help Tommy, to comfort him so he wasn't crying, until he wasn't sad anymore. To take away the pain that others and he himself have caused over the years.

Yet, Techno just stood there, mirroring the position of the boy in front of him. Frozen and unable to will his body to move.

Tommy apologized first.

Which should be surprising, but somehow wasn't all that shocking. He almost couldn't do it, but he did, and he damn well didn't regret it. He apologized for everything, spilling his heart out. For the betrayal, for using him, for half-backing down on the deal, for seeing him as a weapon. He apologized.

Techno was honestly quite shocked, he didn't expect Tommy to apologize to him just like that. Actually he didn't expect a lot of things today, like actually coming back to hypixel or seeing his little brother again.


oh he's your brother again?

Donate to the sarcoma foundation!



But it happened, all of it happened.
And he still couldn't do anything but sit in shock.

The voices were now screaming at him to do something, say something.

Tell him you're sorry



hug him!

Talk to him



forgive him

now's not the time for blood

I just joined what's happening?

Technoblade never dies.


do something

say something

bro do something already

do something

do something

Yet, just like earlier, he didn't move a muscle.

They stood in a nearly painfully awkward silence for a moment before Techno finally uttered the words that Tommy didn't think he would say. He apologized to Tommy too. Tommy felt like he was gonna cry, oh never mind he already was.

They're both immortal, he had a whole lifetime to forgive him, he didn't have to now. Yet he did.

Tommy couldn't pinpoint exactly why he forgave him, he usually held grudges. Maybe it was the fact that Techno is his family, that he actually admitted his mistakes and apologized to him for that. Instead of not admitting them like a stubborn little bitch, not apologizing, and waiting for the other to apologize.

Or maybe it was because this was something he had wanted for a long time, to at least have a part of his previous family back. He wanted back his older brother who used to let him braid his hair. Who would tell him stories every night when his other brother wouldn't sing for him.

Who would stare at him fondly with a small smile adorning his face when he saw the way Tommy would copy his movements with a determined face during his sword training.

He eventually found himself in the others arms, throwing himself at the other before he could think about it further. It felt nice, being in his brothers arms again. It was a comfort he didn't know he needed. Sure Techno was a bit awkward about it at first, not being used to it. But after a moment of hesitation he hugged back.

Tommy was back in his arms. His little brother was back.




bedrock bros!


wait is this lore?

Technoblade never dies.

Look at him!

ew, affection



Shut up chat, he's not soft.

Tommy forgave Techno, and in return, Techno did the same.


shhhh i'm a sucker for at least somewhat healthy sbi family

Have a good day or night and please make sure you are all taking care of yourselves.

Thank you, Technoblade, you will always be in our hearts<3

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