Ch.22 Death at What Looks Suspiciously Like a Doorstep

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Ahaha... can we just completely disregard the first 6 or so chapters? I just read back and found out I wrote in first person...

Tommy stood on the porch of their shared house, lost in the depths of his own mind. Two of his friends bickered behind him.

What was his mother like?

He had no idea, and he longed for an answer.

Sure, Clara may have not been his real mother, considering he was created in a lab, but he still desired to know. It ate at him inside nearly as much as the thought of Dream finding them did.

By now though, he knew, that he couldn't exactly get what he wanted. Not everything goes right for Tommy Innit, even though this time he was hoping it would. Even if only slightly.

As if the universe was listening to his pleads, suddenly, a figure materialized, pulling him out of his thoughts. Behind him, Purpled and Eryn started arguing as well, coming to stand beside him on either side. The one standing there was entirely unrecognizable at first, merely a figure made of shadows, but then her features were prominent. There she was.

In all her glory stood Death herself, adorning pitch black wings so dark they put the darkest of shadows to shame, metaphorical tails tucked between their legs. Her eyes were dark and ancient, vast as if they held the entire void within them. Yet they held an undeniable warmth.

Tommy gasped softly and bent down in a respectful bow, pulling Purpled and Eryn down with him. "Lady Death," He greeted.

"My child, there is no need for such formalities, I'm sure you're aware. For your friends as well," Lady Death said, fondness lilting her voice, "And you know by now to refer to me as my mortal name."

Tommy rose from his bow, a wide, genuine smile taking over his face, "Lovely to see you, Kristen." His words were much more formal now, in the presence of a literal goddess.

"As for you, Theseus," She returns. Her voice is assertive and powerful, always demanding respect and showing her status. However, her ash tinted lips tug into a soft smile of her own.

Now that she was on a server and not in Limbo or her Domain, she could feel the beginnings of mortal emotions. It was always something she enjoyed. Though she knew the lesser god, XD, did not.

"How have you been, Theseus? I've heard that you finally accepted your higher position," She inquired, speaking of him being a demi-god.

Purpled and Eryn, sensing that maybe this was a more private matter, retreated inside of the house. Tommy responded after the door clicked softly behind them.

"I've been quite alright, much more peaceful now that we are free," Tommy responded.

"Although you never do quite feel free," Kristen finished for him sadly, Tommy nodded slightly.

"Although I do see that you have a lingering thought in your mind, what is bothering you?" She asked softly, reaching out a pale hand to brush away stray hair and cup his cheek. Tommy leaned into the touch. When Kristen moved it away he had to physically restrain himself not to chase the contact.

"It's just..." Tommy hesitated, "You are well acquainted with my mother, yes?"

Kristen smiled, "Why yes, she has such a kind heart and a fierce attitude, such a powerful goddess indeed, we are very similar yet very different in nature, I believe the mortals call it... brothers? Or maybe sisters, or siblings. Mortals have such silly names for such mindless names," She laughed lightly at the thought of it.

Tommy looked almost shocked, but he didn't know why he was surprised at such an obvious thing.

"I do miss her though, and I suspect you do as well since Time is much more fickle for those of you in the Server Realm." Tommy had no idea there was a name for the vast, infinite emptiness that servers are.

"How has she been?" Tommy asked almost hesitantly.

"She is fairing well. Recently she has taken her place among the stars for the duties she must attend to," Kristen told him. Since she was Lady Death, mortals were much closer and more relevant to her than Lady Life. And although Lady Life watched over them much more, she could not come in contact as much as Lady Death.

Tommy looked saddened at the news, but schooled his expression enough. "I wish I could see her again," He admitted.

"Soon," Kristen assured, "Before you are aware, she will be holding you in her arms without a thought of letting go. Time is much more than you belive it to be after all."

Tommy smiled gratefully which was easily returned back to him. "You know..." He continued and Kristen looked at him curiously, "I never knew you as well as Techno or Wilbur did, but I'm glad I get to speak with you now," He told her like it was a secret.

Kristen's smile widened at his words, eyes crinkling around the edges. "I think the same way, little Theseus, you are lovely to be around, you know," She told him. Tommy smiled warmly back at her.

The sun was going down, covering the sky in swirls of pinks, blues, purples and oranges. Tommy was pulled into a quick meaningful hug by the goddess who pressed a kiss to his forehead before pulling away.

They gave their final goodbyes before Lady Death melted back into the shadows, returning to the void of her domain.

Tommy sighed, about to turn and head back inside before a familiar head of pink hair popped up from around the corner.

"Was that Kristen??" Techno asked curiously.

Tommy scowled in mock annoyance, "What's it to you, bitch?"

"Calm down I just wanted to know," Techno put his hands up in the universal sign of surrender. "Why didn't you say anythin'?" He asked, and Tommy could almost think he was pouting. He suppressed a laugh.

"Because fuck you," Tommy grinned before turning on his heel and heading inside.

Yeah, maybe something went right for Tommy this time. Maybe he could hope, just this once. Just this once...

If I wasn't so unmotivated I would be editing this story so heavily that it would hardly be recognizable. I'm actually considering it.

Anywho, have a lovely day or night amores<3

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