Ch.10 Oooh yummy power

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It's been a year since i last updated \0o0/

(Edited: 7/11/23)

Those with power always come out on top. They fight and bleed to make it to the highest ranks with the top scores and the best treatment. If you fall in the lowest group, people don't take a second glance at you. You would just be another player. The universe loves you nonetheless.

There are higher beings, because of course there are. Known and unknown gods that watch over the players with a keen eye. The Watchers. Lady Death. Even admins have to have some semblance of power, they are different from ordinary players.

Creating a server is simple, however it takes a lot of power, usually only a powerful being can handle it. But the gods got bored of creating worlds long ago. Watching them rise and fall became repetitive. That is why admins were created. Those with just enough power to create worlds and manage them. These worlds were called Servers.

Even then many servers require multiple admins. They were given just enough power to create, but not to become corrupt. This is why the young god XD otherwise known as DreamXD took part in creating the server known as the DreamSMP along with his chosen, Dream. Dream is loosely related to XD, the mortal having risen to the top with the help of his admin abilities. Having caught the eye of the god, they formed an alliance. Well as much as an extended deal between a mortal and god can be considered an alliance.

Dream has abilities equivalent to that of a demi-god, due to both his admin heritage and being chosen by a god. XD was simply indifferent, not caring for the consequences of possibly corrupting a mortal with power. Why should it care? It does not deal with many mortal affairs.

Tommy has two very powerful gods behind him. He has not felt their presence in far too long, the comforting knowledge that they were there did not free his mind in his greatest time of need. He'd only felt on of them recently, though the memory of the even was not exactly pleasant. Lady Death visited him in his Limbo, the only warmth in the dark cold void, but it was breif and full of sadness.

Now however, they were back. Like a hand on his shoulder, or a soft whisper in the wind. He felt them in every gust of wind that ruffled his hair, in every beam of light that spread a pleasant warmth within him. The two goddesses, mortal names 'Clara' and 'Kristin' or the goddess of the Universe & Creation and the goddess of Death. Lady Creation and Lady Death. They filled the darkest corners of his mind with a soft light.

Once upon a time the goddess of Creation found two new players interesting, created players, not born or spawned. She watched them for a while, intrigued, but soon found that their life was not one to be living. She pitied them, and this pity grew into fascination as the boys destroyed the very thing the made them and caused them the pain they did not understand.

Before long she found she could not part with them. She had chosen them. So she gave them the magic of the choses. And they were hers

Then Wilbur found Tommy in a forest, bloody and bruised and covered in mud. Of course he immediately decided that this feral child (Tommy bit him once their first meet) was his now. At first his family tolerated him, yet cared for him all the same. Soon enough they grew to love him, and their mother, Kristen, absolutely adored him.

Wilbur's father helped him raise Tommy as if he was his own. His brother figure, his fathers old friend, thought of Tommy like a little brother. Well for as long as they stayed at the house at least.

Phil and Techno seemed to see something in Tommy that Wilbur couldn't. The long glances, the pauses in the middle of a conversation, the knowing glint in their eyes.

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