Ch.21 He looks at me... and i look at him

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Hello! Sorry it's been another whole month :)

Technoblade stared at Boffy, a blank expression on his face. Boffy stared right back, a bead of sweat dripping down his neck. Though he couldn't admit he was intimidated.

Tommy cringed internally before backing away from the two from where he had been between them. Techno glanced at him momentarily before looking right back at Boffy, resuming whatever kind of staring contest they were having.

Once Tommy was out of earshot he let out a sigh of relief and promptly... collapsed onto the floor. Purposely, obviously.

Soft pattering footsteps and light joyous laugher were the only warning he got before two small bodies landed on top of him. Air left him with an oomf and little laughs followed after from the two.

"No." An echoing powerful voice boomed over the vast empty space.

"What?" A mad man asked in disbelief, outraged. "What do you mean 'no'!? I've worked so hard to keep this server up and running in your absence and you—!"

"Stop." The god held one of its many hands up, and the masked man had no choice but to. "Do not even attempt your silly tricks on me. They may have worked on mortals but you should know by now, Dream, that it could never work on me," The gods head tilted slightly to the side, only tell being that the 'XD' face moved.


"No." The god stressed again, "I cannot allow for that. It is a crime and a death wish to hack whitelisted servers, I also do not want for Lady Death and Lady Life to be after myself nor my Admin."

Dream huffed in fury but did not argue, even he was smart enough to understand it would only be futile. It would not stop him from being angry though.

"I understand, XD," Dream stated, even though he most certainly did not, "Good day." Then he was off in a flash of green light.

XD stared at the spot it's Admin had just been, burning holes into the space. It sensed a presence behind it, but did not turn around, knowing exactly who was there.

"I do hope you are able to keep that Admin of yours in check," The voice said, XD easily heard the underlying threat within those words.

"Of course Lady Life, I would not dare to allow him to put your children under any further danger," It said, turning around to face Lady Life. Otherwise known as Lady Creation, or maybe you may know her as Clara or Sarah.

"They should not have been in danger in the first place, young god. Now I understand that it was not under your guidance or watch. However, keep your Admin in check. Lady Death and I myself will not be so kind if he ends up anywhere near our children again." XD heard her clearly, if it had any similarities to a mortal it would be attempting not to shake in fear.

"Of course, Lady Life." And Lady Life left just as quickly as she arrived. XD's posture fixed every so slightly.

Lady Life arrived where she was previously and looked at Lady Death with her son fondly.

Lady Life- or Clara, recalled Lady Death- or Kristen, snatching her child from XD's server the moment she had heard of the activities that had been taking place. She was furious to say the least, and so was Clara, who heard what had occurred after her fellow god had.

Wilbur had been confused to say the least however once he understood what has happening he accepted much easier than either had expected.

"Sarah," Kristen greeted, her voice everywhere and nowhere, Clara assumed her voice sounded similar as well. Clara felt warm at Kristen referring to her as as the first name she was ever given.

"Kristen," Clara greeted back before looking down at the mortal next to her, "Wilbur," she acknowledged.

Wilbur nodded respectfully with a small smile on his face. Though, he said nothing.

Clara looked at Kristen, silently asking why.

"His voice will need time to recover after his travel here, as well as.... what he has been given," Kristen told her fellow god. Wilbur looked up at his mother in question at the last part before shrugging and looking back at what he had been fiddling with.

"How long will that take?" Clara asked for no particular reason, only curiosity.

"Around 2 moon cycles," Kristen answered easily, "the other process should take around a season or two," she informed.

"Has XD been keeping its Admin out of anymore trouble?" Kristen asked next.

"From what I've seen, yes, though due to how XD was acting I believe it's Admin is having some sort of.... temper tantrum." The brunette next to Kristen snorted.

"We should be doing alright, as long as XD does not get distracted by that fae on its server again or go on anymore expeditions."

"We'll see to it, has XD gotten the revive book? I did not sense it's energy with it." Clara questioned.

"Yes, it has been confiscated, XD should have the book it it's pocket dimension."

"I see." Clara felt the buzzing in her magic building up, she would have to continue her duties soon.

"Philza will be arisen again soon," Kristen spoke once again. There was a choked sound from next to Kristen.

"Ah, has it really been that long already?" Clara asked rhetorically, though she was not actually shocked. Time flying was a normal occurrence, she remembered when she had fallen asleep once and suddenly it was a new era. The Universe was not happy with her for that.

"It seems it has." Kristen said, and by her tone Clara knew that was that.

Her magic buzzed under her skin tenfold and Kristen left the In Between with nothing more than a light breeze, returning to the Void with her son in arms.

Clara waved her hand and she returned to the stars. No more visitors for a long while.

Tommy ran through the brush, two little giggling hybrids on his shoulders weighing him down.

He shushed them lightly, "We gotta be quiet 'n shit remember? We don't wanna get caught." The two children fell silent, smiles still adorned their faces.

"Ohhhh Tomyyy, come out come out wherever you are! Give them back, you know it doesn't have to be like this." Tommy heard a voice in the distance, it was close, too close. He took off running once again.

Tommy's wings propelled him forward slightly, allowing for him to run faster. Not enough though, his pursuer was just as fast.

Tommy heard the brush lightly rustling with steps behind him while he twisted and turned around trees. He attempted to throw his pursuer off his tail.

It didn't work though as he got trapped in arms that he knew he wouldn't be able to get out of. A voice laughed and Tommy groaned exasperatedly.

"Told you that ya' can't escape from me," The voice smiled sweetly.

Tommy rolled his eyes, "Fuck off Tubbo." He reluctantly handed over a stack of netherite blocks, pulling most of them from the server command.

Tubbo released his hold on Tommy, accepting his winnings with a wide grin. After they were safely tucked away in his inventory, he grabbed Michael who was squealing with laughter.

"Better luck next time," Tubbo patted Tommy's arm teasingly, before taking Michael and walking off with a pep in his step. Tommy heard Michaels laugher become lauded before the two were out of hearing distance.

"Alrighty big man," Tommy said fondly as he pulled Shroud down from his shoulder, "Whaddya think we should have for dinner?"


(If you remember the first few chapters. No you don't)

Have a lovely day or night<3

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