Ch.27 Blame it on the Alcohol

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Sorry this chapter took forever, been a bit busy and unmotivated :(

If anyone were to look at the scene occurring, they'd likely think they were on drugs. Five people surrounded a dark wooden table. Four on one side, and one on the other. They all wore dark suits and sunglasses.

"Let's wrap this up quickly boys," Tommy stated, his eyes narrowed behind his glasses at the on on the other side of the table. "I've got some plans with good ol' Tubs and Ran later."

The three next to him nodded seriously, also staring directly at the one person sitting on the other side of the table.

"So," Deo started, pointing a lamp directly at the others face. "Why do you think you deserve to be re-indoctrinated into our cul—" He was elbowed in the ribs, he coughed, "our, um, group?" He glanced to his left for confirmation, all he got was a shrug. He accepted the answer.

Wisp squinted his eyes past the light that was being shone directly into them. He had no idea how he got here, nor how he got caught off guard so easily by Tommy who led him (quite literally) into the basement, then tied him to a chair behind a table.

And honestly, he wasn't impressed.

There was only a broken bulb hanging from a wire attached to the ceiling as an unreliable light source and no windows. The floors were cobble, walls were smooth stone and the table and chair he was tied to were dark oak.

Really, he appreciated the effort (no matter how small) it too to create an interrogation room likely inspired by some spy book, but was this really necessary? He asked for forgiveness, not... whatever this is.

"I..." He finally started speaking awkwardly, not entirely sure how to answer.

Bitzel slapped a palm on the table, too lightly for an 'interrogation scene.'

"Wrong answer!" He shouted, Luke nodded seriously and Deo looked over at them in confusion before agreeing.

"Where were you on October 87th, year 30408?" Luke asked as if the answer meant life or death.

Wisp sent him a look, "What the fuck are you—"

"What is your opinion on the 'Masses of The Bagel' event?" Bitzel cut in before he said anything else

"Masses of the what?" Wisp stated incredulously.

"How many fingers am I holding up?" Tommy joined excitedly, his hand switching between two and four, then two, then five, then three. Wisp only deadpanned.

"Okay screw this." He said, getting up.

Tommy screeched in exaggerated shock, as if he hadn't seen him untying the ropes.

"How'd you get out of the ropes!" Bitzel shouted, pointing at him as if that did anything to emphasize his question.

Deo almost pouted, sulking dramatically "I used my Guide to Knots 101 book for that."

"As if you need that book." Tommy scoffed, crossing his arms.

Wisp snorted, but didn't want to be apart of this fantasy anymore, the fluorescent light had been giving him a headache. It didn't matter how much he missed being involved in all the shenanigans they used to get up to. He walked out of the room with a wave.

Tommy bounded after him a moment later, remembering the plans he had with the other two.

And if Deo woke up to a fluorescent light shining blindingly at him the next morning? Wisp only grinned as he saw him walk into a wall due to the spots in his eyes.

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