Ch.30 You really thought?

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Haha no.

Deo woke up with a gasp, his lungs desperately trying to take in the oxygen he needed.

He stumbled from his bed, tripping once or twice before steadying himself with a hand on the wall.

Making his way out of his room with an urgency in his step he quickly maneuvered over to another room. His vision tunneled as he set his sights on the door in front of him.

He didn't knock or hesitate before throwing the door open, finding confused electric blue eyes staring right into his own.

He let out a breath he didn't know he was holding, relief washing over him like a tidal wave.

"You're okay.." He breathed, not hearing much over his own heart pounding in his ears.

The blonde in front of him grinned in confusion, but hints of understanding lied within his eyes. "Why wouldn't I be?"

"No- no, of course you can- you would be, I'm just-" He stumbled over his words, breath still coming a bit too fast. For a moment that was the only sound heard

"Nightmare?" Tommy then asked quietly. Deo nodded mutely, fingers pulling at the fabric of his shirt to ground himself.

The blonde wordlessly patted the spot on the bed next to him as an offer. Deo didn't wait another second before taking it. He leaned his head against the headboard and never took his eyes off Tommy, though his hands fell unmoving in his lap.

"Remind me what happened yesterday?" Deo asked hesitantly, relaxing his jaw after realizing it had tensed. While he asked for his own comfort, he had also genuinely forgotten what happened, his memories blurring and blending with his dream.

"Well..." Tommy took a deep breath, moving his hands under the covers to hide the shake they gained, "Dre— he hacked into the server because he had the power of his stupid fucking revival book," Tommy paused, looking over at Deo to make sure he was following. His brows were furrowed, his expression pulled taut. He closed his eyes, taking a steadying breath and relaxing his features before opening them again.

"Not a moment later, Motherinnit, Mumza and XD came down from whatever fucking cloud they sit on in a flash of lightning. Literally, there was actual lighting when they arrived," Tommy grinned weakly, Deo nodded, he thinks he remembers that. "XD scolded him like a toddler, which was honestly embarrassing for him." Tommy laughed brightly, Deo's shoulders relaxed at this.

"Then Mumza banished him to isolation and imprisonment in the void with the help of Motherinnit. The end," Tommy finished, nodding in satisfaction.

Deo smiled at him. "Thanks, Toms."

Deo gave Tommy another once over, checking for any injuries or unusual signs of stress. Tommy sat still as he did so, continuing what looked to be some sort of sketch, offering silent comfort in the way his arm brushed against Deo's. Deo just needed to make sure that the moment was real. That Tommy wasn't gone.

Tommy isn't gone.

Because Tommy isn't Theseus.

Nor is he Icarus.

It may just be; meant to be...

This is now in fact the end of the fic, thank you for sticking with me this far! I've enjoyed all your comments this story. (who remembers the reference to the last two words of this a/n). I hope you all have a wonderful day or night and all the rest of the days and nights to come<3

Haha Bye.

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