Chapter 3

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When I glanced at the door I saw none other than Morris Delancey. The look on his face was pure hatred as he scanned the room but when his eyes fell on me they softened.

"What do you want Morris" Jack spat, venom lacing his words.

"I'm here to speak with Y/N" he said back

"Haha fat chance" Race Spat

"Y/N please" Morris continued.

"Fine" I said


"I'm going just outside so I'll scream if anything happens"

"Fine Sweet be careful" Jack warns

I step over to where Morris is and close the door.

"What do you want to talk about Morris?"

Morris POV

"What do you want to talk about Morris?" She asked


"Boys I have excellent news" Uncle Wiesel said, One morning before selling.

"What's up" Oscar asks

"Well all three of us have been invited to Mr.Pulitzer annual town hall this weekend and we are all going and you need to get yourselves dates. It will be on Saturday and it starts at 8:00" Uncle Wiesel told us.

Damn how am I gonna get a date on such short notice. I thought to myself. Well Oscar will ask Jennavive who's his girlfriend. Damn I don't even know any girls this really is a kick in the teeth. I kept thinking about who I would ask while handing out papes, and then the perfect person walked up Y/N. But she'd never go with me on pourpose. Maybe I can bribe her. I saw her struggling to purchase papes she barely had enough for 60.

Perfect I'll ask Y/N and tell her I'll pay for her papes.

End of flashback

"Ok do you think we could go for a walk or something because I'm 99% sure the boys are listening to us right now" I said

"They probably are but I said I'd stay right here in case anything bad happens" she spoke

"What bad would happen?" I question

"Well i case you forgot you are Morris Delancey who isn't exactly known for his kind heart twords the newsies let alone a female Newsie" she said

I mean she wasn't wrong but I really needed a date for this thing.

"How about we go to Newsie Sqaure which is close enough that they will come running if anything happens" I say

"Fine" she answers. We walk a short distance to the gates and as soon as we step in she gets straight to business.

"What do you want?" She asks

"Alright I'm not sure how to say this so I'm just gonna say it" I said she gave my an unsure look as I kept talking.

"So my brother, uncle, and I have all been invited to Mr.Pulitzers annual town hall but We'se all needs dates and I'se ain't gots one so's then I thought of you" I spoke and looked at her she raised an eyebrow and asked

"And what do I get out of this?"

"I'll pay for your papes for a month" I told her

She thought for a second like she she was running over the pros and cons in her head.

"I'll do it but we can't tell the other newsies because they would murder you and possibly me" she said.

"Fine" I said we both spit shook before she questioned me some more.

"I don't have a dress what am I supposed to do about that? And what day is it and wha-" I cut her off giving her the information.

"I have the dress part covered Oscars girlfriend is going to lend you something he will give it to you tomorrow it's at Saturday at 8:00 so I will pick you up at 7:00 and have you home by 11:00." I told her.

She nodded and turned back to go to the lodge.

"Wait Y/N, thank you" I said

"Yeah just tomorrow tell Oscar to leave the dress in the alley next to the lodge so none of the boys see" she told me.

"Ok I will, goodnight sweet and here's the money for 100 papes tomorrow" I said handing her some coins.

She looked at them happily before speaking "Night Morris" and with that she walked away.

Yay I thought to myself at least I have a date even if she doesn't like me I think to myself and once I get home I fall asleep with weight being lifted off my shoulders. 

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