Chapter 12

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I woke up early the next morning. I told myself "today will be a good day" and I really truly hoped it was. 

I saw Race and avoided him, not wanting to have to deal with him right now. Crutchie came up to me once I was finished getting ready and we went to the circulation gates together. We got there early and I saw Morris and Oscar walk up. There was no one around except for Crutchie who already knew so logically I hugged him. The Morris leaned down and kissed the top of my head. 

I returned to see Crutchie and his whispered "You go sweet" and we both chuckled at that. Morris and Oscar went in to start getting ready but they didn't open the gates so we were just hanging out on the bench when the boys started to come up to us. I checked my pocket to see if I had enough money for the day. 

I didn't. 

I figured Morris would pay for my papes so let's hope that goes smoothly. I really wanted to see him again tonight so I found a piece of paper and scribbled


Let's see each other again tonight, 8:00, please. Have a great day. 


I got in line with Albert in front and JoJo behind me then Race was behind JoJo. Al got his papers and then I slipped the note to Morris who scanned it rather quickly, smiled softly then nodded at me. He handed me 80 papes and I went with Al. JoJo decided he would sell with Race which left us to Meddas. 

"Y/N" Al said worriedly on the way to the theatre. 

"Al?" I said in a questioning tone. 

"Listen, so lat night I accidentally heard what you told Crutchie" he stated 

"What do you mean," I asked 

"You and Morris, being together. I'm totally cool with it but I don't think you can tell Race he would be so upset and never mind the boys" he said warily. 

"I know I know but how do I come out with it? I don't want to keep this a secret forever." I groaned. 

"Have Morris start being nicer to as and like friendly I guess" Al said. 

"Yeah I guess that could work but still how would everyone feel? Would anyone get mad at me?" 

Thoughts spiralled through my head. Primary consisting of worse-case scenarios. Albert looked like he was thinking the same way. I honestly had no idea how to feel about any of this but I would really like for things to get better. 

Albert and I sold pretty fast and we were on our way back to the lodge when I heard something familiar. I told Albert not to wait for me and he went back to the lodge. I followed the sounds to a nearby alleyway where I saw Race and Morris. 

Morris had Race pinned up against a wall and Race was losing his shit on Morris, trying to pound on him. 


I saw Albert and Y/N talking in line. Y/N had something clutched in her hand but I wasn't sure what it was. When it got to be her turn she handed the peice of paper to Morris who smiled so large it made my stomach hurt and nodded at her. Then she returned that flirty smile which I wanted to be for me so so much. 

I needed to stop this, or at least find out what this even was. 

"Hey JoJo I'm not feeling sos hot, i'se gonna head back to the lodge" I lied. 

"Oh okay, feel better Race" he said. 

I waited for Morris to leave the distrubution centre in a nearby alley where I had the perfect view of everything. 

I waited for which felt like days but was probably only and hour. Just then I saw him exit with a smile playing at his lips. I decided I would follow him until I found the perfect time to jump on him. 

Actully I wasn't sure what it was I was going to do but I would still follow him none the less. 


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