Chapter 24

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Here is some fluff to make up for the last chapter 


There we sat. 

On the ground of the dressing room where I just took Y/n's virginity.  

She sat next to me as I draped my arm around her shoulders. 

"I love you and you did so amazing" I mumbled into her head as I gave it a light kiss. 

"I love you too" she mumbled. 

"How was that for your first time?" I ask 

"Exhausting" she looked up and I closed the gap between us. I grabbed the clothes scattered around the small room. I buttoned up my shirt and put my boxers and pants back on. Y/N still had the belt in her hands.

"Care to gimmie that," I asked and she turned red as a tomato as she passed it to me. After I was all dressed I helped her put her bra and shirt back on. Then she had me turn around as she put her underwear and pants back on. 

"Ready," She said as the dress was in her hands. 

"Here I'll carry it," I told her taking the dress out of her hands. I placed my other arm around her waist. I walked her to the cash register. The clerk eyed us suspiciously and I subconsciously tightened my grip on her waist. 

I passed the clerk the cash and he handed me the change. 

"Next" He yelled. 

Y/n rested her head on my shoulder as we walked. 

"My place? It's closer than the lodge." I asked. 

"Yeah let's go" 

It was nighttime and this is when the drunk men were around. I could feel her getting restless in my arms. 

"God that was so tiring" she sighed. "You'se okay? Did I'se go to hard on ya?" I stopped making her look up to me. I'm sure there was desperation in my eyes. "No no no I really liked it, just tired is all" She looked back up at me. "Lucky for you I can see the building from here" I smiled. When we reached the apartment building we took the lift up and I opened up the apartment. 

"C'mer" I said to Y/n and embarrassed her in a hug. I could feel her letting all her weight on me. I scooped her and she laughed. I brought her to my room and carefully placed her on the bed. She began to undress for bed when I stopped her. 

"Hey, let me help," I said as I took her boots off. 

"Okay," she sleepily mumbled. Once I finished I got my clothes off and put on a new pair of boxers and slipped in next to Y/N. She scooted closer to me and let her head rest on my stomach. She began to trace small shaps on my stomach which made butterflies erupt. So I started to play with her hair, until I felt the shapes stop, guessing she had fallen asleep. 


I was awoken by Y/n turning around in my arms, trying to get up. But I stopped her. I brought her closer to me. She sighed and turned around again so now she was facing me. 

"Good Morning," She said. I smiled and brought my hand up to her cheek "Good Mornin' doll how'se ya' feelin'?" I asked. "Tired" she laughed. "Ready foa the day?" I asked and she nodded. We got up and I pushed some clothes in her hands and brought her over to the washroom. "Get ready an then we'se go to the circulation gate," I told her. She looked exhausted but to be fair I was too. Last night was amazing but tiring. 


We were early and I opened up the gates. We talked for a bit behind the counter until we heard shouts of the newsies arriving. 

"Y/N" Albert shouted as he ran over. "WHERE WERE YOU LAST NIGHT, WE WERE WORRIED" He yelled. "I told you I would be with Morris" she responded. Albert stormed over to me "If you'se gonna take her, fine, but you'se tell us when she's gonna be back so we'se don't worry." I understood where Albert was coming from. "Yes, okay fine, I'm sorry" I told him. 

I brought Y/N over to a secluded part of the center. "I'se will drop the dress off at the lodge, be ready by 7:00 for me's to pick ya up." I told her. "Okay" She mumbled, she seemed distant. Her eyes were kept on the ground. I tilted her head up so she was forced to look at me. "Hey, hey, hey what's wrong?" I asked concerned. "I-I don't know, last night was just a lot for me. I'm fine. I'll see you at 7:00" she said as she shrugged me off and went over to join Race and Albert. 

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