Chapter 11

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I didn't even know why I got so upset. I knew I wanted to see Morris but I doubted I'd be able to find him.

I walked down the street as the air hit my face. And a voice sounded from behind me. I knew the voice anywhere.


"Albert" I stated

"Y/N" he said back

"Albert" I said as I tackled him into a hug. We stayed like that until he asked "Y/N what happened, what did he do?" I just buried my face deeper into his shirt trying desperately to not cry.

"Can y-you tell Cr-Crutchie to m-meet me here" I asked.

"Of course Y/N I'll go tell him and we'll be back soon, okay?" Albert spoke with sincere words and I nodded.

Alberts POV

We heard Y/N screaming from the bunk room. Race told us he was going to go up there I knew why but now I know I shouldn't have let him. We raced up there to see a shaking and screaming Y/n and a Race hugging her. What should have been an innocent hug looked more like tourture judging by Y/n's face.

"Y/N WHATS WRONG?" Jack yelled as he pried Race off of her. She stormed through us boys and left. I chased after her as she was walking down the street.

"Y/N" I yelled and as she turned she spoke my name.

"Albert" she said

"Y/N" I said

"Albert" she whispered and trapped me in a hug. I asked her what was wrong and what Race did to her and she asked me to go get her Crutchie.

I sprinted back to the lodge to be met with yelling of all sorts.

"RACE WHAT THE HELL DID YOU DO TO HER?" Jack yelled. And Race, well the look on his face wasn't quite readable there was sadness, guilt, anger, confusion, and probably some other stuff. Everyone was still shouting so I decided to shut them up.

"GUYS" I yelled and it did the trick because they all looked at me like I had three heads.

"First off I found Y/N" I said and then there were questions like

"Is she okay?"

"What did Race do?"

"What happened?"

"GUYS, I honestly don't think she's okay but she asked to talk to Crutchie so c'mon let's go" I said and Crutchie hobbled over. I helped him down the stairs and then we started to walk to find Y/N.

She was only two blocks away and pacing on the side walk.

"Y/N" I called out her name and she ran over and hugged Crutchie.

"Thank you Albert" she said quietly.

"Of course just feel better Y/N" I said and turned to go back to the lodge except I decided to be nosy so..., it's possible I hid in a nearby alley as they spoke.

"Y/N what's wrong?" Crutchie asked, comforting her.

"Okay I don't know how to stay so I'm just going to say it" she said as Crutchie nodded.

"So today Race and I got in an argument because he thought I liked Morris and he was yelling at me telling me I was disgusting. Then I ran off and Morris found me and comforted me. Jojo and Albert found us hugging and they got suspicious. But when Morris was comforting me he told me to meet him at newsies square at nine. When you found me earlier I was sad about what Race had said especially since he knew my past. Anyways I saw Morris and he took me on a date. And we kissed a few times and stuff and then he asked me to be his girl and I said yes." She stopped and looked at Crutchie to see his reaction. "Y/N that is not what I was expecting you to say at all". He said

"That isn't it" Y/N sighed.

"Then Race tried to apologize in the bunk room and I flipped out on him then he yelled back and I started to have flashbacks and Race scared me a lot which is why I was screaming and I don't know what to do with myself anymore". Y/N sobbed.

When I heard the entire story I really really really regretted staying and dashed off to the lodge. The boys started to Harass me with questions but I waved them off and went outside where Jack was there too, looking like he was trying to blow off steam.

Crutchie POV

Y/N just told me a whole lot of stuff I did not expect. Like how she's dating MORRIS DELANCEY. That was definitely a shocker. But I helped her calm down and we headed back to the lodging house where she fell asleep almost instantly.

All the boys asked questions and I told them she was fine but then I found Race and dragged him outside.

I punched him square in the jar and kicked him where the sun don't shine.

"WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU, TELLING Y/N SHES DISGUSTING?" I yelled at him as Jack walked up.

"Crutchie, why did you soak Race?" Jack asked but didn't seem to care very much.

"Yeah Race, why did I'se soak ya?" I asked as a wave of guilt washed over his face.

"Why'd he do to Y/N?" Jack asked.

"That's for Y/N to tell but Race I swear to god if you say anything ANYTHING like what you said today I won't have a problem murdering you." I said and walked away. 

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