Chapter 21

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Somehow? Morris was able to get himself home and Jack helped too. I found Race sitting with JoJo on the couch. I grabbed his hand and led him upstairs. I stared at him for a moment then engulfed him in a hug. He picked me up and spun me around, burying his head in my neck.

Yes, we just did this but can you blame me? I missed my best friend.

"I really really fucking missed ya Y/N"

I smiled up at him and brought him over to the bathroom. I started to grab at his shirt.

"Uh wait, what the hells you'se doing?" he asked alarmed with pink tinting his cheeks.

"I know he beat you up. I wanna see if the cuts were cleaned the right way." I told him

"Oh yeah, I knew thats whats ya doin" he shrunk back awkwardly as I laughed.




"I uh-" he was completely shirtless as well as red.

"Oh my god Race" I playfully roll my eyes.

I grab the bandaids and a washcloth. After I washed off the dried blood and put the bandaids on I brought him over to the bed.

"I missed you," I told him.

"Me too Y/n. Me too" he smiled at me then got into bed as I slipped into mine as some of the other boys came up to get ready for bed.


I woke up to the sounds of snores and the sink running. I looked over to Race and had a brilliant idea pop into my mind.

I slinked over to the bathroom and grabbed a wash cloth and smiled to Albert who was shaving.

I slowly put the washcloth on the back of Race's neck until he woke up.

He didn't.


So then I rang it out over his face.

"Y/N NO" He shrieked. Naturally, I ran away laughing my ass off.

When I got ready I waited for Race but Albert came down first, smirking.

"Everything is fixed I take?" He asked.

"It sure is" I smiled.

"Y/nnnnnn" Race sang as he walked down the stairs.

We walked to the distribution centre and Albert walked up. Before i could say anything to him hands wrapped around my waist and i was spinning and laughing as Morris held me. 

"Good Mornin doll face" Morris smiled to me as I closed the gap between our lips.

Laughs and cheers and shouts could be heard all around us. Cheering us on.

"Top of the Morning" Morris said to everyone else.

There was a bruise forming under his eye and there was a cut on his jaw. Oscar unlocked the gate as Morris took me to the desk and brought me around with him Oscar and Wiesel. But the newsies stayed on the locked side.

"Good Morning Miss Sweet" Wiesel said.

Morris picked up around 60 papes and handed them to me "For the prettiest goil in the woild." he smirked to me as i laughed.

I reached up to cup his jaw but went to go reinspect the cuts on his face. "Do they hurt?" I asked. "Yeah only cause you're picking at them." Morris shot me a playful look. "Right right sorry"

He grabbed my hand and brought me to a nearby alley.

"So Miss Y/N you know what Saturday is?"

I shot him a worried look.

"Saturday is another Pulitzer town hall meeting and you'se coming with me" he smirked.

"Uh who said I was coming with you sir?" I smirked back.

"Well I just gonna have to convince ya. Ain't I?" his smirked grew wider.

"And how ever would you do that?" I shot him a goofy grin.

"Just like this baby" and he pulled me into a kiss. He backed me into the wall and started kissing me harder. I pulled away,

"M-Morris" I moaned.

He pushed himself on to me harder.

"Youse gonna come with me?" he smirked.

"N-no I don't think so" I smirked. 

"M-Morris" I moaned.

He pushed himself on to me harder.

"Youse gonna come with me?" he smirked.

"N-no I don't think so" I smirked.

He reacted by pinning my wrists against the wall.

I moaned


"What about now baby?" his smirk grew even wider.


His hands made their way to my breasts and his lips to my neck. I lost it. Because a moaning mess under him. Moans came out like I was singing them and when he was satisfied with the hickey he left on my neck. 

"What about now baby?" his smirk was as big as the moon.

I let out one final moan and ended up moaning a flimsy yes. He let out a mix of a growl and a laugh then let go of me.

"Let's go sell some papes" he smirked pretending nothing had just happened.

"Afta selling go to the lodge and Ise gonna pick you up and we'se gonna get a dress." he told me with a smile. 

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