Chapter 5

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Race brought me back to the lodge and I fell asleep as soon as he put me on my bunk. I was exhausted from all the crying I had been doing. I told Race to wake me up at 7:30 so I would have enough time to grab the dress.

Sure enough 7:30 rolled around and I was gently awoken my Race. "Hi Sweet you told me to wake you up at 7:30 so tada" he said and rubbed circles on my back.

I sat up a bit and repositioned myself so my head was in his lap. Once he saw what I did he turned a bit pink but then started to stroke my hair.

"Morris told me what happend Sweet, I'm sorry for and earlier I'm sorry for prying I just wanted to make sure you're okay" he said while playing with my hair.

"Thanks Racer" I gave him a weak smile. I think I was over what happened now but I'm purely exhausted even though I just took a nap. We lay there for a good while before I said "I'm going to go outside for a bit to clear my head". He nodded and I started to get up.

I made my way to the alley and saw I was a bit early, but then I heard someone enter the alley. I looked around and saw Oscar. With a blue gown in hand.

"Sweet Ya Here?" Oscar asked as I got up from where I was sitting. "Yeah" I said

"Here's the dress,and some shoes to go with it, I can't believe you're going with him to this thing I mean he can do better than you,I'm sure he can! But you're pretty so as long as you don't say you're a newsie it should be okay" he said as I rolled my eyes.

"Thanks Oscar" he rolled his eyes as I took the dress from his hands.

"Oh Morris said to give you this for tomorrow's papes" and he handed me coins.

"Ok thanks good night" I said

"Night Sweet" he said

I came back in through the fire escape so no one sees the dress and thankfully no one is in the bunk room so I put the dress in my drawer so that it's hidden. I head downstairs and see Race talking with Albert and Jojo so I decide to Join them.

"Hi" I say softly standing Inbetween Albert and Race.

"Hey Sweet how was selling?" Albert asks i glance at Race and just hum an okay while looking at the floor.

"How was your day?" I ask

"Pretty good sold all my papes" he said proudly.

"Me too" said Jojo

I smiled then asked "So what were you guys talking about?"

"Brooklyn" said Race

"Why" I ask

"Because Spot sent over a kid this morning saying he wanted to do a get-together tomorrow at Meddas" Albert says.

Shit I think

"Uh are we going?" I ask

"Yep!" Jojo says proudly as I shoot Race an uneasy look. And drag him upstairs.

"I don't think I'm comfortable going to that with all the Brookies who will be there" I say

Yay I found an excuse and will be able to go tomorrow I think to myself.

"It's Okay Sweet im sure no one will mind" he says and kisses my cheek. "You should get to bed after the day you've had" he says and a yawn that escapes my lips agree with him. "Tell the boys I said goodnight okay?" I ask

"Will do" he responds

"Goodnight Racer"

"Goodnight Sweet" 

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