Chapter 10

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We ordered food and talked a bit before Morris brought up this morning.

"Soooo Y/N what happend this morning?" He asked with pleading eyes.

"I don't really know" I chucked lightly and he looked concerned for me.

"Uh well Race thought that we were flirting this morning and got really angry and said shit he shouldn't have" I huffed. "I went back to the square to see if I could find anyone else to sell with but then you were there and I just started crying at you I guess" I sort of laughed at the last bit. I looked up and Morris who looked ready to kill.

"What did that twerp say so I'se can puts 'Im in his place!" He said but was interrupted by the food arriving. "Don't worry I'll deal with it later and there is no need to hurt him Morris" I sighed as I took a bit of food.

"Y/N I'se got a question" he stated.

"Okay?" I responded.

"What are we? We've kissed a few times and we've had some flirty moments. I'll be honest I'd love for youse to be me goil but what will the newsies think?" He asked

"Morris I- I think I'd like to be your girl but we'd both be so dead if the newsies found out" I sighed.

"You'd wanna be my goil?" He asked and I nodded.

"But Morris before this goes any further I want to know why you guys always beat on us newsies when most of the time we haven't done anything to you guys."

Then he explained everything to me. Who that Gregory guy was. When he worked at the refuge. When they first got their jobs at the paper stand with Wiesel. His face looked torn apart so I gave him a peck on the lips which visibly changed his mood.

"Now Morris I have a question" I say.

"And what would that question be?" He asked sckepiticaly.

"Is this a date?" I say with almost a smirk growing on my face. But then he smirked and leaned across the table to kiss me.

"Did that convince ya?" He breathed in my ear which sent shivers down my spine.

"Hmmmm I'm not sure, maybe some more convincing would do the trick" I said with a smirk.

After dinner

Morris payed which I reluctantly let him do. Morris decided to walk me back to the lodge since it was getting late.

"So Y/N are we dating in secret?" Morris asked

"Well for now I think so I just have to figure out how to tell the newsies" I said. It was dark but I could tell he was nodding.

"Is it okay if I tell my brother or my friends?" Morris asked.

"Yeah just as long as they aren't newsies". I said and he nodded we walked for some more until we were about a block from the lodge and Morris stopped, with our hands intertwined I stopped also and looked at Morris.

He looked at me for a moment and then leaned in. We stayed like that, with our lips on each others until we pulled away.

"Goodnight Y/N" he said as he kissed my cheek and left. "Goodnight" I called after him.

I went inside the lodge to be greeted by the boys and their never dying rowdiness.

"Hey Y/N where ya been?" Crutchie asked.

"I was just out Crutch no biggie" I laughed and he nodded.

"We're playing poker c'mon and join us!" Crutchie pleaded. I looked to the poker table and saw Specs, Romeo, Finch, surprisingly I saw Davey, Albert, and Race.


I guess technically he wasn't wrong about Morris and I but I was still pissed at him.

"Tomorrow for sure Crutchie but I'm super tired I'm gonna head to bed" I sighed and he nodded.

"Good night sweet" Crutchie called

"Night Crutch, Night Boys" I said.


We were in our second round of poker when the door opened. I didn't pay much attention to it because I was used to boys constantly going in and out of the lodge. When I heard Crutchie say Y/N that's when my head shot in her direction.

Y/N and Crutchie we're having a conversation and I was just waiting for it to end so I could talk to her and apologize.

"I'm gonna head to bed" she said and I saw this as my chance. When I got into the bunk room I saw Y/N beaming like she'd just won a million bucks.

"What's got you in such a good mood?" I asked which apparently startled her because she let out a suprised yell.

"Sorry didn't mean to scare ya" I chuckled awkwardly. Y/N rolled her eyes and ignored my presence as she continued to finish whatever it was she was doing.

"Y/N look I know you're ignoring me but please let me apologize I know how shitty I was and I have no say in your love life but I was scared for you and Morris he ain't good I was worried I-"

I was cut off with a sharp slap to my face and an angry Y/N yelling "YOURE DAMN RIGHT YOU HAVE NO SAY IN MY LOVE LIFE".


"No Race for once in your life think about how YOUR actions affect other people I know you think you were helping but you weren't maybe if you actually payed attention to who you were harming or you had the whole story then maybe it would be less harmful but you DONT KNOW EVERYTHING" she yelled.

"THEN TELL ME Y/N" I screamed back at her which was a bad idea. She was taken aback she looked scared. I knew her past and her abuse I knew aboht her father and what he's done.

"RACE JUST GO AWAY" she yelled as she started to shake. I tried to give her a hug but she started screaming and dozens of footsteps made their way upstairs. I was off of her right as the door opened. And almost all the boys were in the bunk room with us.

"Y/N WHAT WRONG?!" A very frantic Jack yelled. She ran past all of the boys and out the door. 

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