Chapter 1 - Miss me?

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Lillian let out a sad sigh as she lay on the hard mattress of her single bed, watching the sun rise through the single tiny window in her bedroom. She hadn't slept, she very rarely did since her return after the blip. For reasons known only to her, it pained Lillian horribly to know that once again the world had moved forward without her.
Now the sun was up, Lillian decided it was reasonable to get up and begin her day, she had a busy day of rounds checking on her patients ahead of her. She swung her legs over the side of the bed and blindly reached for the well loved once purple, now dirty grey scrunchie from her bed side table and did her best to tame her wild brown curls in to a pile on top of her head.
She looked out of the window at the endless sea of disheveled huts sprawled out below the morning blood red sky "red sky at night, shepherd's delight, red sky in the morning, shepherd's huts on fire" she chuckled to herself.

Even before the blip the area of Kolkata she had taken up residence in was poverty stricken to say the least, but that's what she needed, the lack of modern technology and wealth made her feel more at home, and besides the people here were always happy and friendly despite their trials and tribulations.
As Lillian went about her day checking on her patients she thought about her mentor and friend Bruce, she missed him terribly as she had done every day since he left 12 years ago. Dr Bruce Banner had found her at a volunteer centre in Kolkata 14 years ago, they had bonded immediately over their desire to help the locals in any way possible. Lillian already had a small amount of medical knowledge from her past, but Bruce had trained her and taught her all he knew. They had become very close in the two years working together, people often made comments about what the status of their relationship was, but it was purely platonic with the age difference making Bruce more like the Father Lillian wished she had had.
Unfortunately she hadn't heard from him since the day the annoyingly attractive red head had showed up out of nowhere and lured him away. Lillian didn't blame Bruce for that, she had seen the news and she knew exactly what he had been doing in those 12 years, and to say he had been busy would have been the understatement of the century, I guess its hard to keep in touch with old friends when you're an Avenger.

The thoughts of Bruce stuck with her all day, putting her in the most foul mood by the time she trudged through the front door of her little house and dropped on to the sofa with a loud huff. Lillian reached over and turned on the lamp to the side of her, as the light hummed in to the room she heard a voice "Hi Lils"
Lillian screamed and launched the closest thing she could grab in the direction of the voice

"Really Lils, a cushion?" her mind abuzz with panic until a small part of her realised only one person had ever called her Lils.

"Bruce?" She questioned cautiously. Sure enough out of the dark corner of her living room came Bruce Banner grinning sheepishly and clutching the cushion Lillian had just assaulted him with.

"Miss me?"

Lillian had always told herself that if she was to ever see Bruce again she would remain calm and composed, giving off a cool air of detachment so as to not let him know how upset she was that he had just upped and left her. Sure she understood why, and she didn't blame him, but that didn't mean she wasn't pissed about it.
She let out a girlish squeal as she ran over to him and threw her arms around his neck, Bruce dropped the cushion just in time to catch her in an embrace, and she silently cursed herself over the fact she had done exactly what she hadn't wanted to do and had shown Bruce her weakness for him.

Regaining her composure she let go of his neck and gave him a sharp shove to the chest "Where the fuck have you been? I mean I know where you've been, I don't live under a rock. But what the fuck Bruce, 12 years and no call, no text, no letter not even so much as a motherfucking messenger pigeon. Now you think you can just turn up at my house like nothing has happened?!"

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