Chapter 36 - This is Madness

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"Buck are you sure about this?" Steve paced anxiously in his room while Bucky sat on the end of his bed, carefully doing up the buttons on his white dress shirt.

"Yes Steve, for the hundredth time I am sure. You need to stop worrying so much" Bucky shook his head, rolling his eyes at his best friends unnecessary worrying.

"But what if she gets upset? What if she really thinks you're setting up for a proposal and then when you don't she gets upset?"

"That's what I'm counting on"

"You want to upset her?" Steve asked indignantly

"No" Bucky replied flatly "I just don't want her to see it coming so this is to throw her off the scent ok? Stop worrying your sensitive little head about it and do your job"

"Get her to the rooftop, I know I know. Just don't come crying to me if this blows up in your face"

Bucky shrugged on his black suit jacket and fastened it in place "well, what do you think? Do I look alright?"

Steve stared at his oldest friend for a long moment "you look great Buck, but god I hate you" he chuckled "no matter what happens you always get the girl don't you? Have you ever actually not got a girl you wanted?"

"A gentleman never kisses and tells" Bucky said with a wink

"Never stopped you bragging about every dame you dated back in the day"

"Yes well, I wasn't much of a gentleman then regrettably" he smiled thinly "but none of that matters, the only thing that matters is I got the one girl that matters, the one girl that I want for the rest of my life."

"She's really turned the pair of us soft hasn't she?" Steve laughed, clapping Bucky on the shoulder.

"You were always soft" Bucky retorted playfully.

"You know if I wasn't scared of what Lily would do to me I'd whoop your ass" he shoved Bucky blithely into the corridor.

"I'd like to see you try punk" Bucky joked

Steve punched Bucky playfully on the shoulder before shooing him away to the rooftop to wait for Lily.

Knocking on Lily's bedroom door he didn't wait for an answer before pushing the door ajar and poking his head in to the gap "Princess? You decent?"

"Steve? I'm in the bathroom I'll be out in a second!" Lily called out

He took a seat on the end of her bed and waited patiently for her. While he waited he looked at the multitude of polaroid photos of her and Bucky that she had taken on every single date and adventure they had shared together. Smiling fondly, his attention was drawn away from the photos when Lily walked out of the bathroom wearing a pale blue satin dress that stopped just below her knees, and her hair styled neatly up exposing her slender neck.

"Wow" Steve grinned "you look gorgeous Princess!"

"Thanks Stevie" she smiled shyly "if you want something it's gonna have to be quick cos I'm meeting Bucky for date night in a minute" she slipped on a pair of white heels and stuffed her polaroid camera in to her purse.

"I know, I'm here to escort you to the date"

Lily stopped what she was doing and looked up at Steve, confused. "huh? What do you mean you're escorting me?"

"I mean I am going to walk you to your date. I thought it was pretty self explanatory" he teased "you ready to go?"

"I don't.. I don't understand"

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