Chapter 28 - Steel Blue eyes

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Bucky arrived back at the compound first, so he made his way to the hangar so he could be there for Lily when she arrived. He chewed his lip anxiously, they didn't know exactly what had happened to Lily, but given who took her and his past experience with them it was fairly obvious they had done similar to what he had had done to him to make him in to the Winter Soldier.

The jet landed and he forced his naturally stern expression in to a more softer, welcoming one in an effort to comfort Lily. The softer expression quickly switched to one of anger when he saw Steve walking off the jet carrying a seemingly unconscious Lily, bridal style. "What the fuck happened?" he asked, storming forwards.

Steve shook his head "she's fine, but she's lucky Bruce didn't kill her." Bucky looked past Steve to Nat and Bruce as they shuffled off the jet, Bruce's clothes in tatters - a sure sign that he had lost control and Hulk had made an appearance - his arm wrapped round Nat's waist as she held a hand to her side, blood seeping through her fingers.
Bucky rushed towards her "Nat! What happened?" he scooped her up as Bruce nodded gratefully.

"Your fucking girlfriend stabbed me" she winced as Bucky followed Steve - still carrying Lily - to the medical bay.

"She what?!"

"She seemed like she was coming quietly, she sat next to Bruce until we were in the air and then suddenly she pulled a gun out of nowhere and shot the pilot, I tried to tackle her while Steve tried to stop the jet going down but she's clearly been trained by someone while she's been gone and she took me by surprise and pinned me down and next thing she's pulling a knife out of her cleavage and sticking me in the side with it. I threw her off but then she just went for Bruce, which obviously meant the Hulk made an appearance. I think that took her by surprise cos she looked like she was gonna shit herself, Steve knocked her out with his shield and Bruce calmed down. And now here I am" she gestured to herself as Bucky set her down on a bed "bleeding out"

"You're gonna be just fine sweetheart" Bruce smiled warmly down at her as he began to cut open her shirt and clean the wound "looks like she missed anything major"

"Maybe she's not trained as well as I thought then" Nat laughed humourlessly

"Or maybe Lily's still in there fighting to come back" Bucky looked sadly over at Lily lying unconscious on the bed, Steve stood looking down at her his hand gripping hers tightly.

"Lily princess, I'm so sorry.. I'm so so sorry.. I didn't want to hurt you" he whispered so quietly only Bucky could hear.

Bucky moved to stand the other side of Lily and he held on to her free hand "You did what you had to Steve, she'll understand"

"I'm gonna have to watch a lot of Disney with her to make up for this" Steve chuckled.

After making sure Nat was ok, Bruce checked Lily over. "She's gonna be fine" he smiled at Steve who let out a big sigh of relief. "At least physically" Bruce added sadly.

"I think we should move her to a cell"


Bucky sat inside the cell with Lily, watching her from a distance as she slowly started to come around. It had killed him to suggest putting her in here, but it was the right thing to do. She had already killed one man, and tried to kill Nat and Bruce. He couldn't risk her hurting anyone else or herself.

"Hey" he smiled weakly as she sat up, blinking as she took in her surroundings.


His heart skipped and he jumped up out of his chair, rushing over and crouching down in front of her "Lily baby? Is it you?"

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