Chapter 8 - I promise

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It was the morning after the party, and despite the huge amount of alcohol that had been consumed, Lily woke up feeling fresh.
With the sexual tension between her and Bucky sated for the time being, their teasing, flirty banter had already begun.

"Well" she declared slapping him on the chest "I'm going to leave so I can shower your stench off of me, if you were any sort of gentleman you'd walk me home you know"

"I guess I'm no sort of gentleman then" he said with a smirk.

He was sat up in bed, arms up behind him, head resting on them. He was memorising every inch of her body as she stood there wearing next to nothing, not knowing when or if he' ever have the pleasure to see her like this again.

"I knew it" there was an awkward pause as Bucky fought the want to beg her to stay with him in this room forever.

"Well.." said Lily clapping her hands together trying to break the silence as much as possible "Later loser!" she started to open the bedroom door before turning back to look at him "Oh, and you were right. I'm definitely better at sex, I came first" she winked at him and walked out leaving him sat in bed grinning like a fool.

About an hour later, once she was showered and dressed Lily headed down to find some breakfast, or at least Coffee.

As she walked in to the dining room she saw everyone sat around the table, with a array of breakfast foods laid out ahead of them.

"Just in time!" Said Pepper grinning at her, Lily really liked Pepper, she was so sweet but at the same time was tough enough to put up with Tony's bullshit.

"Wow Pepper this looks great! Was this you?" Lily asked. As she took her usual seat in between Bucky and Steve, she thought she saw Steve tense up as she sat down next to him but she shrugged it off.

"It's nothing really, it's just to say thank you to you all for coming to the party last night"

"Well whatever the reason, I'm Eternally grateful" said Lily as she piled food high on her plate.

"I will never not be amazed at the amount of food you consume Lily" Sam said shaking his head at her.

"What's up Sam, feel emasculated because I can eat and drink you under the table?"

Bucky tried to stifle a laugh but instead just choked on the food he had been trying to swallow, Lily patted him hard on the back "Take it easy old man, shouldn't you be eating soft foods at your age anyway?"

This time it was Sam's turn to laugh, but he made no attempt to stifle it
"Wow, someone woke up on the wrong side of the bed" Tony said raising an eyebrow at her.

"Or in the wrong bed entirely" Bucky whispered so only she heard

"This is what I'm like pre coffee, sorry Tony" she said with a shrug.

"What's your excuse for the rest of the time then?" Bucky said smirking at her as he took a sip of his coffee

Lily clutched her chest dramatically "Bucky Barnes you wound me with your words! How could you? I thought you loved me!"

She slid further down in her chair for dramatic effect. She saw Steve out of the corner of her eye tense up, there was no denying it this time, his hands were balled up into fists and his whole body was rigid.
She sat up and put a hand on his leg, she felt him pull away from her touch "Steve? Is everything OK?" She whispered.

"Fine" he snapped

"Have I.. have I done something wrong? Are you mad at me?" Her voice was shaky, she could feel anxiety start to overwhelm her.

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