Chapter 9 - Misfits and Weirdos

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Bucky woke in the middle of the night feeling Lily stir beside him, he thought nothing of it and started to drift back to sleep until he heard her start to whimper and cry "Lily?"

He could just about make out her face in the dark, it was screwed up in to a pained expression and it was wet with tears, but she was still asleep. Bucky had had enough nightmares of his own to know when he was seeing one from the outside "Lily, wake up" he said gently stroking her head trying not to startle her.

Her breathing got heavier and he could see her hands gripping the bedsheets tightly, seconds later she was practically panting, barely managing to get words out "Daddy, please!" She cried "please Daddy make them stop, don't let them do this to me, please I'll do anything, please I can't take it anymore it hurts so much, Daddy you're letting them kill me, please don't do this!" by this point she was practically sobbing and her whole body was trembling.

Bucky sat up and pulled her in to him, kissing the top of her head and stroking her hair "Wake up doll, it's just a nightmare, you're ok, I've got you. Nobody is going to hurt you, I wont let them"

She jolted awake and looked around the room looking lost before her eyes fell on Bucky. "Bucky?" she reached out to touch his face as if to check he was real and he held her hand against  his face

"I'm here sweetheart, you're ok".

Lily nodded and lay back down in the bed facing away from Bucky, he lay down behind her and wrapped his arms around her pulling her into him and stroking the back of her hand as they both fell back to sleep.

They woke up in the same position they had fallen asleep, desperately clinging on to each other. Lily was the first to pull away and she made her way to the bathroom, she looked herself in the mirror and realised that she was wearing Buckys T-shirt, she recalled the night before when he had so gently and carefully undressed her and after declaring that none of the Pyjamas Nat had bought her were fit for purpose he had very sweetly given her the clothes off his back.

As she stared at her reflection looking herself in the eyes she felt a pang of hatred, she had her fathers eyes, except that his were cold and had no love behind them. She had gotten good at pushing the thoughts of her father and what he had done to her to the back of her mind, but the nightmare she had had last night had brought it all back to the surface, bubbling up like acid in her throat.

She sighed and splashed cold water over her face and prepared to face Bucky, she knew he was going to ask questions about the nightmare and she was going to have to explain the best she could.

Lily put on her best fake smile and swaggered back in to the bedroom, Bucky eyeing her carefully, admiring how good she looked wearing his T-shirt which barely covered her ass.

She jumped on the bed and sat down cross legged in front of him "go on then puppy dog, lets get it over with".

Bucky looked at her confused "Get what over with?"

"You have questions I assume? About last night?"

He nodded, startled that she was openly inviting his queries "Have you always had nightmares?" he decided to start off with a simple question to test the waters.

Lily paused for a second thoughtfully "I had them on and off as a little girl, but then they really started around 15 years ago after a traumatic event. They were every night at first, but I learned to suppress it and they eventually faded to nothing, up until last night I hadn't had one in about 8 years" she spoke carefully so as not to give away too much.

"Your Dad.. was he? ..Did he?" Bucky gulped down the rage he could feel burning a hole in his chest "Did he hurt you?"

Lily nodded sadly "Yes. He was never a good father, or a good man for that matter. He abused my mother long before I came along, but she grew tame and compliant and he grew bored and turned his abuse to me when I was just 4 years old as I was high spirited and even then I didn't like to back down from anything"

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