Chapter 2 - Are you lost?

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"B-bucky?" Stuttered Lily.

Steve laughed at her expression, mistaking what was truly there for something much less sinister.

"I know it doesn't sound like a real name, in fact it kind of makes him sound like a pet dog now I think about it, but it's a nickname, his real name is James but the only person I've ever known call him that was his Ma when he was up to no good back in the 40s"

The confused expression on Lily's face only grew, Steve patted her lightly on the shoulder "It's a long story, maybe he'll tell it sometime, but for now you must be exhausted, why don't I show you your room?"

Lily looked at Bruce like a child looking for reassurance and comfort, he nodded and gave her a big smile "you go and get some rest Lils, I'm going to do the same, unfortunately my room is on another floor to yours otherwise I'd show you round myself but I'm happy to leave you in Caps capable hands of you're OK with that?"

Lily nodded agreeingly and followed Steve out of the room bidding everyone goodnight. She followed him through the building into elevators and down big glass corridors not having a clue how she was ever going to get back to where they started. They came to a stop outside a sleek black door "This is you" Steve nodded towards it before gesturing to the door opposite "That's Bucky, like I said he's out for the day helping Sam fix up his boat, but he should be back later. I'm sure he won't mind you knocking if you need any help finding your way round."

Panic set in deeper "o-oh no, I don't want to be a bother to anyone"

Steve gave her a reassuring smile "everyone here will be happy to help, it's kind of what we do" with that he turned on his heel and started to walk away.

Lily watched him for a moment and saw him pause before turning back as if he had remembered something else "Just to warn you, Bucky comes across a bit... uninterested. He means no harm, it's just how he is, he's really a good guy, he's just been through a lot" pleased with that and feeling like he'd done his job as a friend Steve went off to rejoin the others.

Lily's head was swimming with information, she barely registered the massive luxurious bedroom and en suite as she entered her new home. She dumped her bag that carried her few possessions and sparse amount of clothes she had brought with her and headed straight for the bed and lay down in a daze, her head sinking in to the plush down filled pillows. She tried to fight sleep as thoughts of her new life, her new home and all her new roommates - one in particular - filled her head, but soon enough the jet lag got the better of her and she drifted off in to a deep and peaceful sleep.

Several hours later she awoke in the dark, scrambling to find a light switch she managed to find it on the wall by the door and she flicked it on, the bright LEDs blinding her for a moment.
It took her a minute to find her bearings, recollecting everything that had happened in the last couple of days, but all she could think about was how parched she was, her mouth was so dry it was almost unbearable. The overwhelming thirst was enough for her to squash down her anxiety about being in a new place with new people and go on the hunt for a drink of something cold and wet and preferably fizzy.
Lily stepped out in the the dimly lit corridor, looking up and down she realised she didn't have the slightest clue where the kitchen was, she hadn't even seen it! Just as she was about to resign herself to drinking out of the bathroom tap she remembered what Steve had said about the guy in the room across the hall from her, she remembered about Bucky.

There was no way it could really be him, she was positive that the Bucky she knew had died a long long time ago, that's what she had been told and that's what she had believed. A small line of light framed the black door across from her "Well looks like he's awake at least"

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