Chapter 23 - We Wait

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Bucky and Lily had been at the cabin for a couple of days now. It was clearer with every passing hour to the both of them that they were perfect together, like they had been made specifically for one another.
They moved around together flawlessly as they had done all those years ago when they had lived together in hiding in a much smaller and much less luxurious setting.

Bucky would wake early, prepare the coffee and cut up some fresh fruit ready for breakfast. After that he would go for a short walk and sit by the lake for a while in quiet contemplation, enjoying the slight chill to the early morning air until it began to get warmer and he made his way back to the house knowing that Lily would soon be awake. Once she was awake they sat together on the deck overlooking the lake and ate breakfast in companionable silence until Lily had enough caffeine in her system to start the day.

"Bucky, I've been thinking.." Lily said, staring out in to the distance, a thoughtful expression on her face.

"Sounds dangerous" Bucky joked, sipping on his coffee.

"I think we should tell the others about our past, about my past"

Bucky sat up straight and set his coffee down on the table, looking at Lily more seriously now "what's brought you to that decision doll?"

"I don't like what they were saying about you, about us. I know I said don't worry about it and don't listen to them but it pissed me off that they made you feel that way. But I guess it is a complicated situation and it's not fair to get angry at them cos they don't have all the information. So we give it to them, and then maybe they'll understand us"

He reached over and took her hand in his "you don't have to do that sweetheart, if you're not ready you don't have to do that for me"

Lily smiled softly at him and squeezed his hand "like I told you once before Bucky, I'm not doing it for you, I'm doing it for us" Lily grabbed her phone off the table and unlocked it "in fact I'm going to do it now"

She went to hit the call button for Bruce's cellphone, but hesitated when she spotted a news app notification from a couple of days earlier.

Breaking news! Sargent James Buchanan Barnes, formally known as "The Winter Soldier" and now invaluable member of the Avengers announces his retirement!

Lily looked up at Bucky briefly before looking back down at the phone and pressing on to the notification. Bucky had noticed the switch in her facial expression and his brows furrowed together in concern "what is it?"

Lily said nothing as she quietly read the article.

An exclusive announcement has been made by self proclaimed Avengers Team leader Tony Stark about the handsome 1940s heartthrob James Buchanan Barnes - affectionately known as Bucky by those closest to him. The genius, billionaire, philanthropist and reformed playboy turned family man Tony Stark has announced that Sargent Barnes has made the decision to retire - affective immediately.
Mr Stark has quoted Sargent Barnes as saying "I have been fighting for a very long time, all the while never truly understanding what I was fighting for. Now I have found what - or rather who - I was fighting for all along, I think it is time for me to take a step back and have a normal life with the woman I love. But I will forever be grateful for my chance at redemption and I will always be on standby to fight for what's right if I'm needed"

Sargent Barnes' mystery woman has been identified as Lillian Jackson - long time friend of Dr Bruce Banner, and as of last year a member of Dr Banners research team.

Sargent Barnes and Miss Jackson are not currently reachable for comment but Mr Stark assures us that they are kicking off their happily ever after with a well deserved vacation and sent us this adorable photo [see below] of the happy couple.

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