Chapter 33 - Goodbye

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Lily stared at her father in front of her, his eyes just as cold and devoid of emotion as they had always been and she began to tremble. She hated that she was trembling, that he might misconstrue it as fear and not the heady buzz of adrenaline caused by sheer anticipation.

"Nightshade." he greeted her flatly "it was easier than I thought to lure you away from them and in to here"

"My name is Lily, you know it is" she snarked, squaring her shoulders.

He raised an eyebrow at her "you know I'm honestly surprised to see you are still alive. I suppose the 'Avengers' are weaker than I thought"

"Mercy is not weak, compassion for other people is not weak!" Her breathing grew rapid as she watched her father laugh at her. She said nothing in response, only stared daggers at him until he stopped laughing and returned her scowl with his own.
Out of the corner of her eye she saw Bucky's concerned face appear at the window to the room. He began to bang heavily on the reinforced glass, the sound causing Lily to flinch slightly.

"Ah you brought me a present I see. Two loyal soldiers for the price of one"

Lily snatched the small knife Bucky had given her out of her boot and assumed a defensive position "you'll never have him, or me. We're done. You're done"

This time Jonathan threw his head back and laughed loudly. Lily watched him, confused as he walked straight past her and stood with his face close to the glass, staring down Bucky who relented his attempt to break through the glass to stop and stare back at the man he hated most in the world, and the father of the woman he loved more than anything.
"I have heard that the Winter Soldier managed to break free of his programming, what a waste" Jonathan tutted, shaking his head disappointed.

"TOUCH HER AND I'LL FUCKING RIP YOU APART" Buckys muffled shouts came through the glass.

"I don't need to touch her you fool. You're going to kill her for me"

Lily scoffed loudly "you're even more delusional than I thought you were if you think Bucky would ever hurt me"

"Not even to protect himself?" Jonathan asked turning to face her, an evil grin on his face "not even if you were trying to carve his heart out while it was still trying desperately to pump blood through his feeble veins."

Lily looked over at Bucky as he started pounding his fist in to the glass again "I.. I wouldn't.. you can't make me.."

"LILY!!" Bucky screamed, his voice breaking with desperation "darling open the door! Please!! Let me in!" He moved from the window and began to pull on the locked door, crying out in frustration.

She took a small, hesitant step towards the door pausing when she noticed that her father made no move to stop her only stood with a small smile pulling at his thin aged lips.

"Why aren't you stopping me? If I let him in here he'll kill you, you know that right?"

"Yes. But only if you don't kill him first. You don't want me dead, if you did you would have done it by now daughter, I am a feeble old man, hardly a threat"

"You're only alive because I want answers" Lily retorted bluntly

"Ask away then" he waved a hand in her direction urging her to talk.

The sound of Bucky's shouts and vibranium fist smashing against the metal door ongoing in the background of their strained conversation.


"You said you had a question?"

"No.. 'Why' is the question. Why have you never loved me? Why have you never cared about me? Why have you done this to me? Used me and tried to turn me against the only people that have ever cared about me?"

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