Chapter 29 - Family

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Steve sighed heavily as he braced himself to enter the cell where Lily was being held. She'd been in there for 24 hours now and nobody had visited her since they had all seen how broken Bucky had been by his chat with her.
The door slid open and his eyes landed on Lily sat on the small bed, wearing some of her leggings and a T-shirt they had fetched from her room, her legs crossed, eyes closed, and her hands resting in her lap, her thumbs tapping across her fingertips back and forth. Steve stifled a small smile, that small movement in her a sign that Lily was still in there.
She opened her eyes and grinned a wide and sadistic smile "well hey there Cap"

Steve nodded curtly at her, staying silent, not knowing what to say.

"Ouch" Lily laughed "is that all I get after you damn near fractured my skull?" She rubbed the spot on her head where Steve had knocked her unconscious "you know you've left one hell of a bump"

"Well you were trying to kill Nat" he said stiffly

"Oooh are you and the red head a thing? Can't say I blame either of you, in fact I'm not sure who I'm more jealous of. I'd be lying if I said I wasn't a little turned on while pinning her to the floor, even if I was sticking my knife in her side." She smiled as she noticed Steve's jaw tense "and look at you" she walked towards him and rest her hands on his large chest "Damn, I could climb you like tree. What do you say? Wanna give the camera you don't think I know is watching a show?" She gestured to a barely noticeable blinking red light in the corner of the ceiling.

Steve grabbed her wrists as she ran her hands down his abs "Lily.." he warned

Lily sighed dramatically and sat heavily back down on the bed "you guys are no fucking fun."

Steve sat down carefully next to her "it's just now how our relationship is. We're close Lily, really close. But we're like family, like brother and sister."

"What a waste" Lily scoffed

"Do you.. do you remember anything? Anything at all?"

Lily sat quietly for a long moment "I don't know" she offered honestly "I see flashes of images, things that I don't ever remember seeing. But how do I know you didn't do that to me? How do I know you didn't put something in my head?"

"Then don't listen to your head Lily.."

"What?" She looked up at him, scared and confused.

"Princess.. don't listen to your head. Listen to your heart, what does your heart tell you? What does your heart remember?"

"I.. I don't know.." she let her head drop in to her hands "everything is just so confusing"

"Tell me what you're thinking princess"

"I know my dad is my dad, there's no denying that, I remember growing up with him there. But I also remember him beating me black and blue and that hasn't changed. But there's a gap, I remember him telling someone to put me in a cryo chamber as a punishment, but I don't remember what he was punishing me for, and then nothing until 3 months ago"

"I.. I know why he put you in Cryo if you want me to tell you? Or I could get Bucky to come and tell you?"

"No!" Lily grabbed Steve's hand before quickly letting go and curling in on herself, embarrassed. "I mean.. I prefer you being here to him"

In another room Bucky was watching Steve and Lily, listening in on their conversation. His heart breaking as he listened to her confess that she wanted Steve over him. Unable to hear any more he stormed off to be alone.

"Why? Did he do something? He can come across a bit scary but he really means no harm, especially to you"

"No.. he didn't do anything. It's just.."

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