Chapter 18 - Happy Birthday

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                           6 months later.

"Come on Princess, let's get moving I don't want to be late for yet another dinner reservation" Steve shouted through Lily's bathroom door

"Alright I'm coming Rogers, don't get you panties in a wad" Lily laughed as she opened the bathroom door

"Ta-daaaa" she did a twirl "Go on then Rogers, tell me how gorgeous I am, try and deny my flawless appearance is not worth waiting for" She stepped out wearing a mid length sequin sleeveless red dress that was cut low showing off her cleavage, she had paired it with black stiletto heels and her make up was done naturally except for a bold red lip to match the dress. Her hair had been tamed in to loose waves and hung low on her back almost reaching her ass.

"Well you certainly look gorgeous, but as for whether it's worth the wait, I will confirm or deny that once I know that they haven't given our table away, considering I made this reservation a month in advance" He smirked and leaned in and kissed her on the cheek "But seriously Lily, you do look stunning"

"Thanks Cap, you don't look too shabby yourself. Wait, we match! How did you know?"

Steve was wearing a red shirt, the sleeves rolled up to his elbows, and black trousers "Nat helped. Come on lets get going"

They reached the restaurant only 5 minutes late, the snooty woman at the entrance was in the process of trying to tell Lily that as they were late they had lost their original table on the terrace but they could give them one in the back by the toilets, but she soon changed her attitude when she saw Steve. I mean how could anyone say no to Captain America?

They sat down at the table on the terrace, it was beautifully lit by fairy lights and soft music played in the background.
Steve grinned at Lily as she looked around in amazement "You've seriously upped your game for this weeks date night Steve, this place is incredible!"

"I'm glad you like it, I had to do something special for your birthday, and before you say anything I know it's not until tomorrow, but Stark asked me to keep you free on your actual birthday so he could throw one of his famous parties as you are aware"

"Don't tell him cos I'll never hear the end of it, but I'm really looking forward to it!"

Steve nodded "Your secret is safe with me" he looked down at the menu before continuing "By the way, we've got to stop calling our weekly dinners date nights, both Sam and Tony keep giving me stick about it. They're convinced we're dating"

Lily threw her head back and laughed loudly "I know what you mean, Nat and Bruce keep doing the same. I've told them countless times we're just friends but they won't listen"

"Well you are a flirt Lily, I can't blame them for thinking you've got a thing for me" he winked at her

"I'm a flirt?! You're the one that just winked at me you dirty old man" she giggled as she kicked him playfully under the table.

As their laughter died down Lily reached across the table and grabbed Steve's hand "Seriously though Steve, you've been amazing since Bucky left. It's been a hard few months and I wish he hadn't gone, but I will be forever grateful that it gave us a chance to build up this amazing friendship, and honestly I'd be lost without you."

Steve squeezed her hand and smiled softly at her "That means so much to me Lily, I was so worried you were just going to shut down when Bucky left, thank you for letting me in. Don't tell Bucky this when he comes back, but.. you're my best friend. "

Lily threw her hands up in the air "YES! Best friend status!! Suck it Barnes!!"

She realised the whole restaurant had turned in shock at her outburst causing her and Steve to laugh loudly.

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