Chapter 32 - Find her

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Lily lay awake staring at the ceiling of her cell. After her day out around the compound with Bucky and Steve the day before, she had opted to return to her cell for the night as a gesture of good faith - mainly for Nat who was still dubious and untrusting of her.

She had tried her best to sleep, to be ready for the mission to the Hydra base the next day. But no matter how hard she tried she couldn't fall asleep, anxiety about seeing her father again swamping her every nerve. Laying in the dark, she heard the door to her cell sliding open and a soft glow from the corridor outside lit the room. Rolling over to see who it could be coming to her in the middle of the night, her eyes landed on Bucky. His eyes tired, showing sure signs that he too had been struggling with sleep.

"Sorry for waking you doll.. I.. I just needed to know you were ok" he shuffled his feet, his face pinched in pain.

"It's ok, I wasn't asleep." She sat up in bed and pat the space next to her, gesturing for him to sit. "Are you ok?"

Bucky sat down next to her and slowly and carefully moved his hand to hers, entwining their fingers before bringing their hands to his mouth and pressing a long kiss to her knuckles.

"No" he whispered

"Wanna tell me about it?" She asked gently

"I.. I had a nightmare. I dreamt that you were a Winter Soldier and I.." he exhaled a shaky breath "I had no choice but to k-kill you.. the last thing you said to me.. you said.. you said you love me" he sighed heavily "when I woke up I just needed to know you were ok"

"I'm ok" she smiled softly at him "still alive, still me.. sort of" she chuckled

Bucky remained somber, his gaze never moving from their entwined hands. "I don't know how you did it Lily"

"Did what?"

"Went all that time with your memories of me when I had no memories of you.. I have no idea how you coped."

"Me either at the moment" she replied sadly

"You're right here and yet I miss you so much doll"

Lily's heart broke as she looked at the tears streaming down his face "oh Bucky" she said softly, wiping away the tears with her thumb "I'm so sorry, I hate that I'm causing you this pain."

"It's not your fault sweetheart"

She considered briefly what to do, and decided to leave thinking out of it and let her instincts and muscle memory tell her what was right. Gently gripping his chin in her free hand she turned him to face her, his mouth dropped open slightly as he noticed her gaze drop to his lips. Lily leaned forward and slowly pressed her lips to his. She panicked briefly when Bucky didn't reciprocate but that was short lived. Bucky let go of her hand and snaked his hand up her neck and in to her hair, pulling her closer in to him, his tongue delving into her mouth eagerly.
Lily moaned softly, the kiss feeling new and exciting but also familiar and comforting. She whined as Bucky pulled away from her breathing heavily. "I think we should stop before it goes any further"

"Ok" Lily agreed begrudgingly "could you.. would you.. can you stay?" She asked nervously.

Bucky said nothing, instead he lay down on her bed and held his arms out for her. She gratefully cuddled into his side and within minutes the two of them were sound asleep.


"Well well well" Steve smirked, his arms crossed over his chest as he leaned against the doorframe to the cell watching with amusement as Bucky and Lily panicked about being caught in the middle of what looked to be a very heavy make out session, which - judging by Lily's flushed face and Bucky's lack of shirt - if he had walked in on a few minutes later would have definitely been a much more explicit scenario. 

"has anyone ever told you you have terrible timing?" Bucky groaned, picking his t-shirt off the floor and pulling it over his head. 

"Yup, you.. Last time I caught you two making out like teenagers I believe" he chuckled. Behind Bucky, he noticed Lily nodding her head with a fond smile on her face as she watched Buckys every move. 

She caught Steve watching her and he tilted his head at her ever so slightly, silently questioning her. Lily said nothing, her face giving nothing away, but he could swear he saw the smallest nod of her head. 

"So what do you want Steve?" Bucky asked, drawing Steve's attention back to him.

"oh.. Tony asked me to come get you. The quinjet is ready and he wants to set off in 10 minutes sharp." He reached behind him and picked up a silver briefcase, entering the room he set it down on the bed in front of Lily, popping open the lid to reveal a black combat suit similar to the one Black Widow wears "Suit up" 

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