Chapter 7

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Thanks Elcarter for the book cover :) glad you like the book.


I didn't have any idea where my family was, maybe they thought it would be sweet to leave Seth and I alone when he imprinted on me. In retrospect it would have been, if he had imprinted on me! What they hell had I been doing with my life! I've missed out on so much waiting for this boy to imprint on me and now it didn't even happen!

I had waited almost 58 years for him, just to have it thrown in my face when he flat out told me that he didn't love me. He didn't imprint on me at all, not even a little bit of a feeling. What had I done wrong? Was I not good enough?

I heard footsteps from behind me. I knew it was Seth, he had been watching me pack for the past five minutes. I had left him so that I could cry without him seeing and now I was just angry, pissed off was more like it! How could it not happen!? It was supposed to happen!

"Sara, I'm really sorry--"

Interrupted him the second I heard where that sentence was going, I couldn't handle hearing what he was going to stay.

"I don't want to hear it! Just leave me alone!" I turned to face him, his eyes seemed different as well as his posture. I hope it's because he realized that he really hurt me, but what could he really do about his feelings? Not much.

I felt a little bit of my anger wash away with that thought, but it was replaced with a greater fury as he spoke his next sentence.

"Maybe we weren't meant to be. Maybe vampires and werewolves just aren't supposed to mate with each other, I mean we are enemies."

I stood to my full length, suddenly furious at him.

"Enemies? We were never enemies! You're here because you want to be! I didn't make you! You choose to come here to fight with us!"

"I came here because I didn't like how Jett was running the pack." He retorted with venom in every word.

"So I'm just the excuse you gave." I said with a sour tone.

"No. You're family is why I came. I never liked you." He had said it so easily, just about as easily as he ripped my heart out.

"Then why don't you go find them and leave me alone!?" I yelled, trying to cover up my tears. They were about to rush over my eye lashes and show on my cheeks.

"I was supposed to stay with you."

"You were also supposed to ---" I stopped my thought and just carried on packing, acting like I hadn't been about to say that. Just let the topic drop, in a few hours I would be gone and I didn't plan on coming back. I was going to live life, whatever life I had. I'd travel to every place in the world, learn the languages and maybe find actual love, not some stupid bit of magic that was supposed to make a boy love me.

"I supposed to love you right? Imprint on you? Live happily ever after with you? Am I close? Was I supposed to make you feel like one of a kind? Feel like I was the perfect man for you? Let you live with me forever and bare children? Sorry I can't live a lie." His voice was harsh, almost as bad as the words.

"No. You were supposed to protect me, but I don't need anyone for that. Thanks for the lesson." I placed the last of my things in my backpack.

It was half way filled with two pairs of shorts, a pair of jeans, t-shirts, bikinis, tang tops, one pair of flip flops, a book, my IPod and a cell phone that I had configured to be a one way phone. I would be able to talk to whoever I sent a message to or called, but they couldn't call me or message me back.

I would be free, freedom in the most extreme of the sense of the word, with no one holding me back. I was going to go to the cold places first, see the wildlife only found in tundra's and the northern lights. Then it was to every well known place, like Paris and Germany, and then I'd search for bold, unknown places that would take my breath away.

"What are you even packing for?" He questioned, taking a step into my room.

"You take another step and I will physically hurt you."

"Well you couldn't emotionally hurt me anyway. I liked you, just not the way you liked me." I couldn't believe this was Seth, he was never this crass to me. I wasn't sure he could be like this to anyone, why now!?

"Cole told me that you were supposed to imprint on me. You got my hopes up that I'd finally found me one, but it wasn't you." He said in a softer tone, as if he had been let down by the fact he couldn't imprint on me. "But I can't make myself do it, Sara."

"Just shut up, Seth!"

"What do you want me to say?"

"That you'll leave me alone! That you won't come looking for me when Cole or Lukas or Jenny tell you to find me! That you'll give up any hope of me coming back no matter what war is brought on by this! Just say that you'll never come for me!"

"Fine. I won't. Good travels. Bye." His footsteps slowly retreated down the hall and eventually down the stairs.

I had waited until I was sure he was out of ear shot, not knowing exactly how good a wolf's hearing is, and cried softly to myself. I had gotten my hopes up so high, been so excited to finally look him in the eyes and know that my feelings would be reciprocated but now it's just unrequited love and I was on the wrong end.

I picked myself off the floor, I had to leave before my family returned and convinced me to stay here with them. I couldn't live here anymore, I had to leave and find a new place to live or I guess in my case just exist.

I put on a pair of Converse sneakers, they'd last a while for my travels and a sweatshirt to look normal in the chilly air of Northern Maine. First stop was Alaska, two days by running; I wanted to see the northern lights more than anything else. I heard they were the most beautiful sight a human could witness in their lifetime, I could barely wait.

After I went down stairs I placed a note in the carpet for Lukas to find later, no one else knew about our little spot which always entertained us, I'd miss him the most in some ways. He was always the person to make me laugh and cheer me up no matter what. He could have been a descendent of my family and I'd never doubt it by how close we had become, but it wasn't enough to keep me here through this.

I didn't even look back as Seth came out of the house to watch me leave. I didn't think it would do me any good but I had a really strong urge to just hope that if I did look back one last time then he would've seen how serious I was about leaving and at least ask me to stay. I guess he really didn't care about me at all, I could've sworn he did though. All of the signs, that humans look for in a possible mate, were there. Why didn't it work for me?

I started toward the border of Canada, I'd have to go through werewolf territory just to get started and I could only imagine how well they would take that.

I waited along the border, until Jett came to see me. I asked if I could pass through their land, he of course said no without an escort to make sure I didn't cause trouble. One of the pack, Sam Colson, just followed me as I made my way through their territory. I listened to his thoughts, most of it was tainting, assuming what had happened that would make me leave so suddenly, but the rest of them were asking me questions that I never gave an answer to.

For example, he asked why I couldn't just teleport to where I waited to be. I had explained that I was still injured and the point of my travels was to travel not teleport.

He had a split second thought, hearing how sad my voice was, that he was sorry for what happened. Sam had secretly been hoping that Seth would imprint on me, after Seth not imprinting for 18 years. I just let the thought slip from my mind, pretending I didn't hear it.

Once I was out of their territory, Sam simply ran off to rejoin his pack without another thought in my direction. First stop Alaska, northern lights here I come.

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