Chapter 16

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I stepped foot onto the porch as soon as my family emerged from the house, even Scott and Katlynn were there for my arrival home. I was hugged, cried on and pleaded with to never run away like that again. Lukas hugged me the tightest, speaking in thick German to communicate as I walked past people in the house.

"What happened? What made you come home?" Daniel asked me as his arms close around me.

"I was told of the war by werewolves in Australia." I could hear the Australian accent I had picked up from living there for a few months.

"What did they tell you?"

"That someone started a fight with the wolves and that we would die if it happened." 

They glanced nervously between each other before glancing at me. There was a single glance that caught my attention, actually it was the glance that I didn't see. Seth was missing from my little welcome home party, and that's when I knew.  He was the one that started to the war between the tribe and us, now he couldn't even show his face. 

"Where's Seth?" I asked the crowd of people that surrounded me.

"He's gone." Scott stated stepping foreward from the crowd. "We haven't seen him since he attacked Colton on the other side of the border."

"Why did he do that?" 

"He was angry and it's my fault."  Katlynn said stepping forward to take Scott's hand.

"What happened?" I asked more forcefully, growing angrier by the minute.

"I tricked you and accidently hurt him in the process of trying to protect him." She explained with a sorrowful expression. 

"What do you mean you tricked me?" I asked confused by the turn of events.

"I got one of the vampires that was traveling through the territory to transform themselves into a look a like of my brother. He agreed in exchange for a date, and I agreed. I didn't really care for your kind after the stories I had been told growing up, so I looked for any way to get you out of the picture when I over heard Cole telling Jenny that Seth was supposed to imprint on you." She swallowed loudly before continuing.

"So I got the guy to masquerade as Seth for a little while. The trick was getting the real Seth to not ruin the cherade, little did I know that Seth had been knocked out just as reassurance that he wouldn't interrupt. He was supposed to convince you that you and Seth weren't mates and that you weren't who he was meant to be with." 

"Continue Katlynn." Scott pushed when she fell silent.

"Once that was done, he was supposed to leave, but he stayed with you while you were packing. He let you pack and pushed you further out the door. By the time everyone came home, you were long gone, but the fake Seth was still here. That's how we got busted." 

"Did you tell Seth this?" I questioned, confused about why he was angry enough to start a war over something we could have fixed.

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