Chapter 10

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I have no idea where I teleported to all I know is it had a really beautiful view when I got there. The bridge in the sunset, giving a siloette of the city skyline and the image of the sunset on the mirroring water. The air was warm on my skin and there was a taste of salt in the air.

I glanced around my surrounds. I was on top of a very pointy building, that most people only see in photo graphs.

The Sydney Opera House.

I shuddered slightly at the thought of opera, the high pitched screeching that classifies for singing. I never enjoyed it when it was popular, I certainly wouldn't enjoy it now.

I jumped from the roof and landed lightly on my feet on the cement wall on the boarder of the beach.   With a smile I took a photo to send to the family, careful to keep any recongizable landmarks out of the photo, the opera house would have been a dead give away. 

I guess that means I can't take a picture of the Effle Tower in Paris when I go. Pity, Jenny and Cally would have loved it.

I took my tennis shoes off and landed lightly on the sand beneath me. The warmth from the sand gave me a pleasent glow, the warm temperatures and ocean breeze were uplifting to my spirit and mind.

I could see surfers waiting for the last wave of the day a few miles from shore. It didn't seem like much, gentle ebs and flows of little waves, too small for a good ride, until a six foot wave came from  further out of the sea. 

The five people quickly turned around on their boards and started paddling to catch the wave. As I watched I felt someone's eyes on me, focused on whatever I was doing. I closed my eyes and focused, hoping to learn my newest power quickly, on the person staring at me. 

When I could see through their eyes, I knew they were watching me dead on. My light faded jeans seemed white from the sunset light shining in their eyes, make blonde hair lightly flowing in the breeze around me.

Whoever it was was quite facinated with my silent presence.

I opened my eyes with a smile curling the ends of my lips into a smirk. I went the opposite direction of the person staring at me, in case they weren't welcome to my kind.

"Oi Sheila." I turned on a heel to see a group of teens watching me at a distance. The male that called me stepped forward to offer me a volleyball with his friends protesting as he came toward me.

"Yes?" I asked questionly, staring his friends down at their hostile stances.

"I'm Jason Wright. Who are you?" Jason had short blonde hair, a tall muscular build and stood about six feet tall. Quite handsome if I do say so.

He made no effort to hide the fact he was scanning my body whether for signs of hostility or because he found me attractive I wasn't sure. The power Blake had given me wasn't helping the matter either.

It gave Jason a friend reading while the rest of his friends were seen as enemies. How can I trust one but not the others?

"I'm Sara."

"Sara what?" A young lady growled as she stepped from the crowd. She must have felt threatened to give that tone to a total stranger.

"Sara Schön, I come from Germany." 

Jason offered a small smile and held out his hand to shake mine. We shook lightly before he pulled me a little closer, to my discomfort.

"You look like the girl Blake was telling me about." 

"Blake? The vam-..." I paused to fix my sentance, Blake has to live away from his sister for a reason. Maybe she doesn't know. "The guy in Alaska?"

"The vampire in Alaska you mean. I know, trust me I know." She sounded sour, so sour she could probably curdle fresh milk that just came out of the cow.

"Well aren't you pleasent. I can see why he lives on the other side of the world. To get away from you." I sneered causing Jason to breath a laugh at his friend's expense. 

"Don't worry about her, Sara, she is harmless."

Her eyes squinted, a growl came from deep within her chest but before she could lunge Jason stepped in front of her.

"We aren't here to fight, remember?"

"Right." She straightened up without another word and suantered behind the rest of the group, hopefully to control her anger.

"We have been told you're a very special vampire. One that runs with werewolves if our information is correct."

"I never told Blake about the werewolves...."

"I know. We do our own research. We have werewolves here, you are free to meet them and travel around the island as you please. I just have one thing to ask."

His pause indicated that he wanted me to say something to prove that I was paying attention to what he was saying.

"And that is?"

"Blake tells us you're traveling." Jason stated not wanting to use his question yet, placing a hand on my shoulder instantly relaxing me of my tension and worry.

"Yes I am."

"Well how about you stick around here for a while? I promise to make it worth you're wild. Just give us a chance?" Jason offered a sly smile.

"And if I don't?"

"That is entirely your choice and I won't stop you." Jason picked up the volleyball and began to walk away, but before he went to far he turned and said, "But you'll be missing an expeirence that won't come to find you again, Sara."

I smiled lightly, "What's the point in traveling if you don't mingle with locals?" I rethorically asked, walking toward Jason who offered an elbow for me to take in order to follow him.

"You're in for a wild ride little one." He promised.

"I can handle it."

With that we were gone.

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