Chapter Six

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I felt eyes on me even before I could see again. I had been wateched for a while as I tossed and turned in the unconsiese state. I couldn't tell who it was or why I was being watched but it was nagging in th eback of my mind, pulling me out of my past and letting me come back to the present knowing that I wasn't living through that again.

Though, even now I couldn't open my eyes. My head was pounding, and my arm and legs were throbing. What happened to me?

I saw film cuts of running through the trees, paws pounding behind me, a sudden pressure holding me down and the clamp of teeth circling my throat.

There was nothing for a little while in the background, my mind wandered, still unable to make my body respond.

I flashed back to how our war even started. Why were in this? We should have left. Cole and I could've stayed, but there still would have been a war. Tensions were high from having us in the area, our family kept growing, from finding mates or visiting vampires coming to see us. That caused the werewolves to change faster and eariler than intending.

One of our visitors had broken the rule and drank the blood of a human. That sent everyone into a panick, our family covered it up and sent the rest of the family away. Although the wolves caught them, and killed them before they could have a chance to get away.

Daniel talked us out of it, explaining that we had taken care of the vampire that had done it. But the wolves were on such high alert they were eager to jump across the border. Jenny, Rose, Cally and I had been walking along the river side of our border. Cally was just showing her pregnancy and Jenny couldn't wait to see the baby. She was dragging us to the spring as she called it to enjoy a swim away from the boys and extended family, critism about vampires mating and having children together.

We had been swimming for about ten minutes when Rose suddenly stood up straight, alert, at a sound we didn't hear. A growl then rippled through the woods, before somethign came out of the woods sending Jenny out of the water and into a tree.

Rose and I stepped in front of Cally as two wolves came toward us. I heard another loud splash as three more came from behind us.

"We didn't break the treaty! This is our side!" Rose yelled at them, but they didn't stop. They approached with caution.

"If you attack you're breaking your own treaty!" I yelled. They still came, they were now within easy striking distance.

"I'm pregnant!" Cally screamed. The wolves stopped momentarily. Their minds were all asking the same questions. Is that Possible? Can Vampires get pregnant? What do we do Jett? Can we attack them?

Jett's voice came over all of them. If she's pregnant that makes them even more of a danger! Get rid of them!

When they lunged I took both their hands and teleported them home, but when I went back to get Jenny all of our family was there. Ready for a fight.

Drake had found Jenny and was taking her back home as well as Daniel finding Chelsea and getting her out safetly. When Cole heard that Cally was safe at home, we backed off. Lukas left with him, probably leaving to check on Rose.

The wolves were left hostle, not wanting to start the fight with our whole coven. Their thoughts were angry, annoyied at finding out Cally was pregnant but a few didn't understand their anger. Scott, who had grown up with Cally before she had changed, didn't want her to get hurt. Seth, had grown accustom to our family, thinking we were some of the nicest people he had ever met no matter what we were.

The next time they attacked Seth and Scott broke off from the pack, Kaitlyn following her brother, and now I'm here waiting for the imprinting.

I felt my body start to respond to my attempts to strech. Finally! I yell in my thoughts. I could hear the sounds around me, there was a lot of foot falls, something crashed and broke, another thing fell to the ground in a thud and everything was frantic.

I tried to wake up faster, to get moving, and see what was going on. When I opened my eyes I was staring at Seth, the room around us a total mess. Anything breakable was shattered, anything able to come off the walls was on the floor, it looked like the house had been ransacked.

"Seth what happened--" I was looking in his eyes, they looked so confused. "What's wrong Seth? What happened here?"

"Wasn't I supposed to imprint on you?" He blurted out, ignoring my question.

He was staring at me intently, wasn't this how the imprinting was supposed to happen? He looks at me and then he's in love with me, right?

"Do you love me?" I asked hopefully as I looked into the clear blue eyes.

"No." He answered bluntly.

"What?" I asked in shock and disblief.

"I don't love you. You aren't my mate." My heart felt like stone, it went straight to my stomach. Tears filled my eyes and streamed down my face.

I had wasted over half a century waiting for someone who wouldn't love me they way I loved him.

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