Chapter 11

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With no need to sleep I walked with Jason through the night, the night life in Sydeny can be compared to New York City. Everyone is out on the streets enjoying the warm weather, the light breeze in the air keeping the night relaxing.

There were a few clubs, age specific, which was the main focus of the night life. Others had beach parties and house parties, while some enjoyed quiet walks with the person they loved. Holding hands, giggling and sharing a laugh together. 

I would watch the couples, yearning to have someone want to be that close to me. While Jason and his group were busy playing a volleball game at the beach party I focused on the couples. Saw through their eyes how they saw the other.

The saying "If I could give you anything, It would be to see yourself through my eyes" came to my mind. The love that would pass between some couples overwhelmed me and caused tears to slide down my cheeks at the beauty of the feeling.

While some was a one sided love from one partner and not fully recipricated by the other, I knew how that one felt.

"Are you okay?" Jason asked handing me a bottle of water and a hotdog.

"How did you know I ate normally?" I asked taking the food and water from his hands and placing it on my lap.

"Blake. He is quite facinated with you little one." Jason stated as he took a seat next to me. 

"Great I have a stalker now." I joked taking a bite out of the hotdog.

"He's on the other side of the globe, if it makes you feel better."

"A little bit I guess." I offered him a small smile, but it didn't cover up my actual emotion.

"So what's wrong?"

"Nothing. I'm fine. Just home sick I guess."

"Not to sound rude but I know you're lying." Jason said taking my chin lightly in his hand and turning my face to look at him.

"How would you know that?"

"I was pretty good at telling lies when I was human, not I know for a fact when people are being honest or not."

"Lie detector. That's a new one." I said sarcastically, I knew his power. I now had it because of our hand shake, but I don't know the rest of his groups powers.

"I will tell you their powers if you tell me what's wrong." Jason said breaking me out of my thoughts.

"Mind reader too?"

"No, just good at reading people."

"I'm sad because of all these couples." I said as I glanced around at the 32nd couple I had seen that night. "The one I love told me he didn't want me. That's why I'm travelling, that's why I left my family. Now I'm alone, more alone then when I first became a vampire and traveled to America in fear of World War one."

"You left because some guy was stupid enough to tell you that he didn't want you? Wow, that kid is some kind of stupid."

"Yeah I guess..."

"Well ya know if you want we could be a fake couple. Make all these couple jealous of you then." Jason said with a flashy smile.

"No thanks, I've had enough fake love." I got up to leave, to go nowhere in particular when Jason grabbed my hand and brought me back to face him. "Now tell me about your friends." I said before he could speak.

"Well Jessi, Blake's sister, can communicate with people across any distance. Drake over there," Jason pointed to the blonde guy that was now flirting with two girls at once, "charisma. He can control your actions just by asking you to."

Jason scanned the crowd and found his black haired friend, "That is Byron. He has the strength of ten men."

I laughed slightly, "He should go up against my brother Lukas. He's the strength in our family. He could knock Byron flat on his butt in seconds."

"I wouldn't bet on that. You haven't seen Byron in a fight yet."

"Yet?" I asked. "Is there going to be one?"

"We have been having trouble with the werewolves, so we're on edge. They don't bother travelers though unless they need to so you're safe."

"Doesn't sound safe...." I said catching a glimpse of a passing couple locked in a kiss. A sigh escaped my lips before Jason pulled me up from my seat on the sand.

"How about I cheer you up?"

"How do you plan on doing that?"

"I told you, you're in for a wild ride. Let's go. We can start you're new adventure now." Jason winked slightly at me and lead me toward a red jeep wrangler without the top.

"Where are we going?" I asked as I got in.

"You'll see but first we gotta get you some clothes."


"Because by tomorrow morning you'll be burning in those jeans and long sleeves shiela." Jason turned on the car and started to pull out of the parking lot.

"Wait I have to take a picture for my family!" 

He stopped the car, but left it running as I took a quick picture of the palm tree and hammock in the low light of the early morning that was fast approaching.

"It's done. Let's go." I said with a smile before Jason took off at such a high speed it wiped the grin off my face.


I tried to make this one longer to make up for the wieght guys! Hope you like it, vote/fan/comment and let me know :D

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