Chapter 17

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"Are you sure that this is a smart idea?" Drake asked as I started packing for the trip. I needed to go in and find Seth to make sure that he remained unharmed. Even if he did attempt to start the war, it wasn't right to keep him in the werewolves custody. They could hurt him and even possibly kill him if he still fought for us.

"No, but it's the only one I've got." I stated as I walked over to Scoot who was sitting at the dining room table drawing a map for me. A poor map at that, but I could understand the gist of it as he started labeling what each picture was.  "How's it going?"

"Well. I think if I'm right we will have Seth back y the end of the day."

"And if you're wrong?" I asked.

"Then we'll be fighting for our lifes." He stated bluntly. 

"Then let's hope you're right." I stated glancing at the map. "I've been to these two places." I said pointing to Seth's house and the shed where Colton had kept me when he had taken me.

"Good, because you're going back to that shed and if he's not there, check his house and finally check Colton's house."

"His whole house?" I questioned. They would realize I was in their territory after I got to the shed, and if they didn't they would know by the time I checked Seth's house.

"No, the basement. These would be the top places to keep him. His parents could keep him, or just isolate him. I don't really know but either way you're going to have to look all over and hope that they don't find you." 

"I can do that." I was about to go when Scott grabbed my arm.

"Just be careful, they won't hurt Seth, but they will hurt you." 

"Got it." I stated, understanding his warning and taking off for the shed before Scott could stop me from leaving again.

My feet crunched on the soft hay beneath my feet as I landed as quietly as I could. There was no sound from what I could hear, which was pretty good if I do say so myself. I called for Seth, but I got no answer.

That's when I heard it, paw steps. I flashed out of the shed and into Seth's house, right behind his parents. 

"Did you hear that?" His mom asked as she started to turn around in her seat. 

"I didn't hear anything." A gruffy voice stated as I walked out of sight and around the corner. I glanced around the open floor down stairs, Seth wasn't there. I traveled up the stairs as quietly as I could toward Seth's room, exactly where Scott had said it was.

Although, Seth still wasn't in there. That only left one place left to check, Colton's basement. I got a slight tingle as I heard paws pounding on the ground outside of the house. Then jumped as a knock pounded on the front door. I teleported to Colton's basement, as fear swept through me from the wolves attempting to surround me.

My feet fell onto concrete as I arrived in Colton's basement. It was damp, freezing and scray. There was nothing down here, no sound, no lights, nothing.

"Seth?" I called into the darkness.

"Who is that?" He answered.

"It's Sara. Who else would come looking for you after you tried to start a war between our two families?" I said walking in the direction of his voice.

"I was hoping Scott. I don't really want to see you."

"Well lucky for you it's dark and you can't see me." I stated as I took hold of his arms and up to his hands. I stopped when my hands felt something cold. "Are you chained to the wall?"

"Yeah, just get me out of this." He stated with a huff.

"I'm trying." I said as I put my fingers into the cuffs and pulled each of them apart until the metal crumbled in my hands and fall onto the floor.

"Thanks." He said with no sound of senserity in his voice.

"Just come on, we've got to get out of here." I said pulling him to me as the lights flashed on. Blinding me momentarily as I say the shadows of the pack come into my sight.

"Well, well, well. Look what we have here. It's our little blood drinker." Colton stated with sarcasm dripping from his words.

"What do you want Colton?" I asked as I put Seth behind me.

"Shouldn't I be asking you that question? I mean you are the one that tresspassed into my house and on to our territory and you know what that means." He stated coolly as something hit me hard on the back of my head and casued me to black out.

"Death." was the last word I heard before darkness overcame me.

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