Chapter 13 (Seth's POV)

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"Where is the picture from today?" I asked Lukas as his phone buzzed wildly on the table. It took everything I had not to leap to get the phone and force it open.

"Hey, she gave us an easy one!" Lukas yelled as everyone appeared in the room.

"Where is she?" Cole asked.

"Well?" Jenny yelled.

"Is she close?" Drake asked.

"Is she coming home?" Daniel and Chelseas asked in unison. They were badly effected by Sara's hasty departure. They missed her more than anyone.

The family had been brought to a sudden halt when she left. She was the glue that kept them together, once she left fights had broken out and old angers re-ignited. Problems and issues reighned with no one to bring them in.

All the voices over lapped each other with question after question, all of them being unanswered. The room filled with, what sounded like a thousand voices. Not one of them being heard over the others, the questions mingling into one but creating separate ones all at the same time. It was difficult to determine one voice from another and finally Lukas had had enough.

"Stop!" Lukas yelled. "She's in Paris." He said turning the phone so everyone can see it. The Eiffel Tower reigned tall over the city. Buildings clattered around in the low light, in what looked like it was about to rain.

"Wow, it's beautiful." Cally said suddenly appearing in the room holding her small baby in her hands.

Amanda, the families newest member, had short blonde hair, unlike her parents, and clear green eyes that sparkled in the light. Her power enabled her to communicate with others through thoughts, so even though she was a baby she could technically talk. She was put her thoughts in other people's minds so they knew what she was saying.

"Can we get there though?" I asked.

"We could, but it would take a while. We can't get out without starting a war." Daniel explained looking at the picture.

"Who's the young man?" Chelsea asked with a smile as she pointed to someone waving in the picture toward Sara/

"I don't know exactly but I know he knows her." Cole said with a slight chucke as he lightly nudging Jenny. "Can you see who he is?"

"All I know is he met her when she first landed somewhere, but Sara must have taught him to block certain things from his mind so I can't see it." Jenny said with a frown.

"Well, can you see how they know each other?" Cole continued.

Jenny huffed, annoyed with Cole for asking the question like she didn't have the ability to do so, and shut her eyes to focus for a moment. She took a deep breath and then giggled like a little school girl. There was a coy smile playing at the corners of her lips, she laughed as if she was watching a comdien.

"What's so funny?" I asked growing impacient with her games to bother everyone that couldn't read her mind and see what she was seeing.

"They are on a date. I was laughing because Cole was reading their thoughts and the guy was making fun of her for taking the picture in a funny stance." Jenny explained as she attempted to copy the stance Sara must have made during the photo. 

Laughter took over everyone around me as I stood stunned. The laughfter echoed off the walls and through the house, a good face and gut hurting laugh. Tears slide down Cole's face from laughing so hard, but I couldn't find what was so funny.

"Excuse me?" I asked, silencing everyone. "Did you say they were on a date?"

"Well they are on a date..." Jenny stated awkwardly.

I growled from deep within my chest as I stalked out of the house. Anger, frustration and jealousy flowing through my veins. I could hear Scott coming from behind me, yelling something at me as I continued on my way.

"Where do you think you're going?" Scott asked grabbing hold on my shoulder and forcably turning me around.

"I'm leaving Clearly!"

"Why? Because your angry at Sara!?"

"Damn right I am!" I spat in his face.

"Why? Because in her eyes you told her you didn't love her. You told her that she wasn't you're mate. You're the reason she's gone!" Scott yelled.

"I don't care! It wasn't me! She should have --"

"She should have what? Asked you? She didn't know it wasn't you. Hell, if I didn't grow up with you, I wouldn't have known he wasn't you. You have no right to be mad at her from trying to move on with her life."

"She's already dating someone again, it hasn't even been two months!" 

"It doesn't matter the time! It matters that as far as she is concerned that you don't want her. If it was true, I'd be thrilled that she moved on! But you can't get angry, because she doesn't know."

"So what the hell do you want me to do about it Scott!? Run to freaking France and tell her myself?" I yelled in pure blinding anger. I was starting to shake, and if Scott wasn't careful he would get hurt from me.

"I don't want you to do anything, but if you want her to know the truth than you need to go find her and hopefully before this war breaks out!" Scott yelled turning on his heel and taking a running start as he transformed and went to join Kaitlyn.

I transformed as anger took over my body. Pure blinding anger seized me as I transformed and started slamming into everything around me. Trees toppled down, rocks were smashed and woodland creatures scattered. 

"Seth! Seth! Calm down!" Cole yelled as he ran out of the house toward me. 

I growled and lept for him. I was about to take a bite out of him as Scott came back and colided with me.

"You need to get your head on straight!" Scott yelled at me.

"I'm fine! Get out of my way!" I took off running. The war would keep Sara away, I didn't want to see her again. She got my hopes up and then crushed them. Who cares what she thinks happened? I know what happened! 

But if she wanted to travel and date other people I'd prevent her from ever coming home. It's time to start the war.

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