Chapter 12

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"Jason! This isn't funny!" I yelled as the car went over rougher land then before. I was literally bouncing out of my seat! 

"I promise it's all going to be fine!" He yelled back as the car started to shake. 


"This is normal!" He said with a smirk plastered on his face. He must be finding my worry halarious because nothing else about this is remotely funny.

"I don't like your version of normal!" My voice shook, matching the cars vibrations.

"You get used to it." He jerked the wheel causing us to turn rapidly and slide along the edge of a cliff. 

I screamed making my throat sore, "Jason I'm going to kill you!" I was staring down the edge of a cliff and not enjoying the view.

The car jolted to a stop and the seat belt stopped me from banging my head on the dash board. God bless whoever invented seat belts. That person was a freaking genious!

"We are here!" He said with a smile, gesturing out toward the ocean.

"And where is here, exactly?" I asked gasping for breath.

"I was found out that you like water. You swim actively and enjoy being just in the water, it's fun for you or something."

"It's home to me." I said with a smile.

"Yeah something like that." He said hopping out of the car and taking his shirt off. I glanced over at Jason, his muscles were well defined. I knew he had muscles but normally they were hidden by his shirts and shorts.

"Do you like what you see?" He asked catching me staring. 

"Yeah I guess you could say that." I felt a blush forming on my cheeks as I got out of the car to avoid something stupid coming out of my mouth. 

I played with the dress Jason had picked out for me. It was a coral strapless dress that fell just above my ankle and drapped lightly around me. I  normally didn't like anything close to the color pink but I loved this dress. 

I stripped down to my bathing suit that I had brought with me. A Multi-colored banduea bikini, that reminded me of a rainbow.

I glanced up to see Jason standing with his mouth hanging open, with a cooler in his hands that was about to slip out and spill the contents.

"It's rude to stare." I said with a smirk, taking the cooler from him. 

"Look who's talking. Last time I checked you were recently gawking at me." He said with a wink, taking a bag from out of the trunk of the jeep.

"That wasn't gawking!" 

"Then what was it?" I paused for a moment, how do I respond to that? It was kind of gawking and staring all in one. 

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