Chapter 14

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It had been four months since I left home and started traveling again. I had managed to see the northern lights, visited the hot springs in Norway, traveled through the history of Europe, and so much more that I wish I had done sooner. 

Although, I'm glad I didn't. I had the best travel partner there was, Jason. He traveled with me every where I went, leaving his friends behind in order to spend time with me. I didn't even have to ask, not that I would have, but it was nice having someone to experience new places with someone. 

We had also been dating for a little over three months, so that helped when it came to who was traveling with me. He was literally Mr. Wright, in every way, just starting with his name. He supported everything I thought and idea that popped into my head. 

I hadn't even thought of home, until I was told of the war. At first I thought it was a rumor, until the werewolves had met Jason and I by the Great Barrier Reef one day. Four of them surrounded us as a form of protection for their leader.

"My name is Lex. I'm the leader of the Ausie tribe in these parts."

"I thought there was only one tribe here." I stated to Jason.

"There is, just ignore that bit." Jason whispered back, taking my hand in his and  pulling me closer to him.

"Ay, Mate, I won't hurt the lady. I'm just here to pass on some news from a tribe across the ocean." Lex said. 

"What tribe?" I asked.

"You're Sara, right?"

I nodded and than asked again, "What tribe?" 

"I can't be sure, it's too hard for me to pronounce. They say you know them though. if that's some comfort to you." 

"I got it. What do they want?" I asked, hearing the annoyance in my own voice that sent the wolves around me into a group growl.

"Relax. She didn't mean it like that. They want you to tell your family that their attack on the pack will not go unnoticed. They will attack first chance they get and it will draw blood." Lex warned.

"My family would never attack them. They just want to live in peace with the humans, we would never start a war."

"Well, someone appearently did." Lex sneered as he sauntered off.

The packs mind instantly corrected him, without knowlegde of my power they didn't know I could read their minds. It wasn't someone from my family, it was Seth. He attacked Colton on their own territory and instigated the war.

"I will not allow my family to take blame for the action of a mutt!" I yelled at Lex's back.

Jason grabbed my by the shoulders, attempting to move me aside as a growl erupted from Lex's throat. "Mutt?"

"You heard me! His actions shouldn't count against my family. He is a member of the pack he attacked, that is not my families fault and I refuse to let them take the blame for it!"

"Mutt?" Lex repeated as he started to shake with anger. He was attempting to control his inner wolf from ripping out of him and into an out of control state, but I could stop my mouth from speaking my mind.

"If I attacked this pack, which I won't. My actions shouldn't count against Jason or his friends, because I'm not a part of their group! Just like that wolf isn't a part of my family!" I yelled as Lex let out a loud roar and transformed.

His thoughts raced, one side letting go and the other attemptting to keep control. The deep black wolf stepped toward me, while the other side tried to control it, but failed. The great wolf bared it's teeth at me and blew hot breath in my face.

"I will not take the acton commited by one of that pack against my family!" I stated, holding my gorund as Jason tried to pull me away.

That's none of my business Sweetheart. Now get out of here before I kill you where you stand.

I opened my mouth to speak, then closed it quickly. He was right, even if I did fight I wouldn't win, so I better just back off. I took Jason's hand and teleported back to Sydney without another thought of rebellion coming into my head.

"What were you thinking?!" Jason turned and yelled at me.

"What do you mean?"

"You were picking a fight with the alpha werewolf! You could have started a war here! You didn't even think about my family and I, you even threatened to start one!"

"I said I wouldn't! I used it as an example!"

"That doesn't matter! You could have started a war,  and you don't even care! You didn't think twice about it. Maybe you should go home!" Jason spat in my face before he realized what he had said.

"You want me to leave?" I asked, hurt by his assumptions that I didn't care about his family.

"That's not what I meant!"

"But that's what you said!"

"I just meant that if you're so inflamed by your family being blamed for this and you don't want them to get hurt maybe you should cheak on them." He explained, attempting to get himself out of trouble. Too bad for him, it didn't work.

"If I leave I'm not coming back here, especially if I'm not wanted." I said glancing at Jessi and Drake, who were standing off a few yards away. "You have until I come back to decide." I said as I turned on my heel and walked away.

I wasn't sure. Should I go back and stop the war, or was it envitable? Would there be a way to stop it without blood or was blood the only way?

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