Chapter 15

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This story is coming to an end :) and with that this has ben an awesome writers block story and something fun to write, so thanks for your support guys. Here's one of the last few chapters.


When I came back I found Jason sitting with his head in his hands. I stayed as quiet as I could as I watched him make the choice that would send me to war or keep me here. There was an inner struggle that showed on his face as he attempted to make the right choice, but for him the choice was already made.

Jessi came up behind him, as an offer of comfort at first, but quickly made her feelings known to Jason. She kissed him on the cheek and when he didn't reprimand her she kissed his lips, by that time I had seen enough. I was about to step forward when Jessi started to speak.

"She doesn't belong here, Jason. Just send her away to be with her family." Jessi sounded like she was pleading with him.

"I can't just do that. It could be sending her to her death." Jason explained with a frustrated exhulsion of air.

"She can't stay here Jason. She was never meant to and you know that. You've been keeping her here to make you happy, but you're not happy with someone who takes risks outside of their own life. You need to send her away."  Jessi stated planting another kiss on Jason's lips.

"I know, but I don't want to be responsible for her death." Jason stated after the kiss.

"Then you shouldn't have kept her here."

"I did it to make you jealous. You shouldn't have cheated on me, Jessi. Then you wouldn't have had this probem."

"How was I supposed to know you'd pick up some foriegn girl looking for a good time?"

Jason just glared at her as an answer. "She was more than some girl!"

"You actually had feelings for her?" Jessi asked in shock.

"Of course I did! I wouldn't drag a girl along like that just because I was jealous, she meant something to me."

"Don't say that baby. Just ignore it and we can go back to being a happy couple." Jessi cooed as she took Jason's face in her hands and planted a kiss on him. They fell back onto the sofa and started to make up from their differences.

I should be jealous, angry even, but I felt numb. I felt nothing as I watched them make out in front of me. Of course, I couldn't let the opprotunity escape me so I gave them a finaly taste of my power. I grabbed a gallon of water and cut the top open and then teleported behind them. The next thing they knew is that they were drentched in water and Jessi was on the verge of having a hysterical breakdown.

"You both have made my choice very easy, so for that I thank you." I stated as I turned on a heel to walk out of the room.

"You little bitch, how dare you do that! Just because Jason wanted me more than he wanted you!" Jessi yelled as she sprang at me.

She clearly never learned her lesson on how I fight, because I teleported and she ran into a wall. I laughed blantly at her misfortune before speaking.

"Jason can have you, because I don't care. He's a great guy, but I knew his answer before I even came in here. I hope to never see you again, because if I do I'll kill you." I stated with a darkening of my voice, instantly instilling fear in Jessi's soul.

"What?" She stuttered.

"I said I will kill you if I ever see your blonde ass again. Jason, if I ever see you again, I'll hit you with a car. I hope to never see any of you again." I stated as I walked out of the room.

I needed to find the werewolves on the island and since they had a stressed relationship with the vampires here the best way to do that was to go into the middle of their territory. I teleported to what I assumed was the middle of their territory, but for some reason I accidently went too far. I ended up in a town just by the boarder of their territory.

There were only a few people in town, but I caught everyone's attention the second I stepped out of the shadows. They started screaming and calling for help for no reason, I had done nothing to them. I glanced around, but didn't see what they were pointing at besides me. Then I felt a warm puff of air on the back of my neck.

What are you doing here? I heard one of the pack members think.

"I need information you have from the tribe in my home town. I'm going to stop the war, but I need to know how bad it is."

Nothing will stop the war, except blood. Once one of you is dead for the injury of the pack member will that be enough to ease the tensions.


"Why must one of us die if they were only injuried?!" I asked in an exasperated tone.

That's how wars are fought.


"How close is it to breaking out?"

You have maybe a few days at most and an hour at the least. There is someone agitating the fight, but the leader refuses to attack that one. A member of their own pack turned against them, I never thought I'd see the day. Now leave, I can't have you here and by the sound of it you should be heading home anyway.

"Is there any other way?"

I don't think so, but you never know.


"You won't start a war with the vampires here right?" I asked.

No, don't worry. We won't harm your boyfriend. 


"He's not my boyfriend anymore. He cheated on me."

Mind if my pack and I have some fun with him then?


I nodded to give him permission as I teleported from their territory into a familiar forest that I had seen for years. The first time I heard of the perfect mate, the first time I had met werewolves and the second time I might lose my life.

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