Chapter 17

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I added a lot to Chapter 16, please go back and read or this won't make sense. I'm hoping to be done with this book in like two chapters, but we will see how it goes.

To those that have supported me through this writing, thank you. I wouldn't have worked and made this into a stoory without you.

Love xxnightstripexx


I felt something cold and wet crash over me, lifting the darkness form me as my eyes opened and I was blinded again. I glanced around nervously as water droplets started falling through my eye lashes. I shivered as a cold breeze came from the river below me, the wide open space was filled with a gust of wind.

"Hey wake up, we don't want you to sleep through this." I heard a voice said as they forcefully shook me fully awake.

"Where am I?" I asked as I glanced around, there was a river in front of me. The river that acted as our border perhaps, but I couldn't be sure. My senses seemed blocked and blurry, what had they done to me?

"Call to you're family. I don't want them to miss this." Colton said coming into view and taking my face in his hands.

"Miss what? Where am I?"

"You're death of course. You crossed into our territory without permission on the onset of a declared war. That means death, now call them." Colton ordered in my ear, threatening my life as if it meant so much to me that I would do anything to save it. Although, it didn't really matter what I did he would kill me either way.

"I won't." I stated defiantly.

"Call them!"

"No!" I refused.

"Call them Sara! It will end the war!" Seth called from behind me.

"I came back to save you and this is how you repay me!" I yelled in anger as I attempted to break the binds that had been tied around my wrists and ankles, that were secured to a tree near me. I was so angry that I could have ripped the tree from its roots.

"It's even now. Just remember you started this." Seth stated.

"How so!?" 

"You left me and got together with some guy. We can call this even and be done with it." Seth stated coolly.

"He had nothing to do with the fact that you don't love me!"

"That wasn't me! I never told you that!" He yelled back at me.

"Yes you did! I wouldn't have left otherwise!"

"Don't try to turn this on me!" Seth warned.

"Why? Becuase you can't handle the fact that it's your fault that you drove me away? You can't blame me for dating Jason after you tore my heart out. At least he cared about me for a while..." I let a single tear fall from my eye as I finished the sentence.

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