Chapter 9

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When I arrived in Alaska I had been informed by a vampire, who's hunting grounds I had accidently stepped into, that Alaska wasn't the place to see the Northern Lights but instead Finland or Greenland would be better.

I left Alaska after having a humane meal with the Vampire. His name was Blake, never gave me a last name he said it didn't matter. He had long black hair that covered his eyes, so I couldn't tell if he was hungry of had just eaten with paler skin then most of our kind that I've met before. Although, I didn't need to see his eyes to know he was weery of me and my story for being so far in his territory.

I teleported to Finland to get out of Blake's territory before I caused an unneeded fight. Of course it was a different time in Finland so I had been left a few hours to explore the town I had landed in and wait.

After seeing the northern lights in Alaska and Finland, I took off back to the states for a little while, hitting everywhere except Maine. I missed my family, the area and everything hat made it a home. I even missed Seth, but everytime I let him slip into my thoughts the look on his face when he said he didn't love me crept into my mind. I couldn't get it out except to move forward with travels.

I walked along the streets on New York been run into by tourists and locals trying to get places, stood in time square to watch the ball drop. I had watched it every year since it's conception on December 31, 1907 but never in the actual time square always at a distance or on the television.

It was a total mess.

People everywhere, crowding the streets while they freeze from the cool December weather. I wonder hoe many people get sick from standing out here. At least I can't get cold or hot.

I had met many people in Times Square, as well as in Alaska and Finland, that recongized me from my family because of my father and mother. Daniel and Chelsea had been all over the world before they settled down in Presque Isle. Of course picking up some of my other family members along the way.

I had acquired a few new powers as well. One of my favorites was the ability to change my appearence. I could be anyone or at least look like anyone.

There was singing and dancing from some of the well known artists of the time that always got on stage and preformed for the masses. I could still remember when I came here for the first time, which was about 1934, although I can't be sure. Time seems to mean little when you have all of it avalible to you.

I lived through both world wars, the cold war and the famous kiss on V-J Day, Victory over Japan Day, in 1945. I think that picture is still on the wall in my room.

"Sara!" I turned to see Blake coming from behind me. "Are you here for the feast as well?"

"No Blake, I'm here just for the festivities."

"You are such a strange little vampire." He flashed me a smile.

"Well thank you. I think you're quite strange yourself."

"You don't, ya know?" He asked gesturing a large pale hand toward the throng of people surrounding us.

"I don't. I don't enjoy the taste. I eat their food and sustain quite an enjoyable standard of living, at times wondering what others like yourself are missing when you live off one kind of food source." I smirked lightly at his grimace of eating 'human's' food.

"How did you figure that out?" He asked, curious not intending to hurt my feelings.

I looked him in the eye, with a straight face and uncaring eyes and said to him, "I killed the men that left me for dead. Drank them dry and left them to rot after burning the monster that made me into this. Realized I didn't like the taste."

"Pleasent. So are you going to be staying here?" He said changing the subject.

"No I plan to keep traveling. Out of the states for quite a while."

"If you ever need a place to stay for a while, my sister lives in Australia. The accent gets kind of annoying but she'll pass along a great power to you. You'll be able to come back without anyone recognizing you." He offered his hand.

We shook, he had tensed before though, he knew what my power was and was open to having me take his. I could now see, if I focused, who was friend and who was foe.

"It makes a great tracker too. You can focus on one person in your mind and you'll know where they are in the world. Of course you seem to do variations of powers so I'm not sure what yours will do. Should be interesting."

I focused on Jenny, I could see what she was seeing. A skyline of a city, the lights flashing all over and into her eyes and a countdown clock in the far horizon. She was here, she knew I was in New York.

"It was quite interesting. Thank you Blake."

"What do you see?"

"I see what they see and nothing more."

"Facinating. I would be honored if you'd let me travel with you or you could simply stay with me."His hair moved out of his eyes for a second that allowed me to read the lust written all over his expression.

"I'm sorry I don't do well with other people." He lightly nodded his head and pointed to the glowing ball that now was made of waterford crystals and LED lights to make it sparkle and making its way down the pole for the next twenty seconds of 1993, about to make it sixty years of being in the United States. Only to be told it was all for nothing.

The seconds ticked by and finally landed with the glowing lights flashing and illuminating the small square. Fireworks cracked and screamed in the sky as my wieght shifted backward and I fell into Blake's arms.

"Happy New Years Beautiful. I hope to see you again sometime." In the middle of New York's Times Square he plants his lips squarely on mine. Then quickly sets me upright, offers me a smirk and a wink before running off for his first meal of the new year.

The huge throng of people quickly disperced after the festivities had ended. That's when I got a familiar scent, sweet like flowers and another like a fresh mountain breeze. Jenny and Drake, they had entered the city and were right behind me.

"Sara!" I turned to see Jenny coming toward me. I overed a lazy grin and I waved good bye before I vanished.

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