Chapter Eight (Seth's POV)

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I felt hands wrap around my neck, lifting me from the ground and forcing me to stand. I kicked and thrashed as best as I could. I shattered a few breakable object, like the blue vase that stood on the couch side table for as long as I had been here, and collasped a few pieces of furniture.

"Hey let me go!?" I yelled.

"Shut up!" A deep male voice whispered back.

I saw the door open, before I was thrown into the basement. Before I knew what happened, I was tumbling down the stairs, hitting ever step on my way down. My body was throbbing by the time I stopped at the bottom of the stairs. I felt like I was bleeding, or that I had broken something but I couldn't move to be sure before everything went black.

When I opened my eyes I was back in the den next to Sara's bed. Had I fallen asleep? Had it been a dream?


"You guys have it all wrong! I'm the real Seth!" I turned to the distruaght voice stunned at what I saw. He looked just like me, he could've been me. 

"Shut up, we know you aren't Seth. Scott caught your scent while you were trying to escape so don't even try. If you were Seth he wouldn't have attacked you. Where is Sara?" Cole yelled, inches from the imposters face.

"I don't know who that is."

"That's a lie! You stormed in here while she was till asleep and locked my up in the freaking basement!" I yelled, angry at him and at myself for not being able to protect her. Now she's gone and no one has any idea where she is.

"I don't have a clue what you're talking about, imposter." He said glaring at me, blaming me of being the liar again.

"Just give up!" Lukas yelled. "I want to know where my sister is!"

"Ask him. It's all his fault anyway." The imposter said turning to me with a smirk plastered on his face.

"What did I do?"

"Well I guess it was really what I did, while I looked like you." The imposter changed from looking like me into a new person.

He had short blonde hair, with bright copper eyes and thin pinkish lips. He even chaged hieght, he shrank about two inches and changed into a pale white.

"This is what I actually look like. My name is Matt, it's a pleasure to meet you." Cole suddenly straightened up, and let out an angry sigh. At that same moment Jenny swept into the room, gazing at the young man before us.

"You're the one I saw. You're the one that hurt her!"

"You hurt her!" I stepped forward with the intent on hitting Matt in the face, but Lukas and Daniel pulled me back.

"Not physically my friend, emotionally yes I severely hurt her."

"I'm not your friend! What did you do to her!?"

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