* Meeting the Variant *

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Once again, G-16 was waiting for Mobius to come back from his mission while she was asked, rather rudely, to stay behind until he came back. She was tapping her fingers on the small desk from the impatience and frustration, waiting for something to happen. 

He left for France a while ago. She wanted to go to France. It was not exactly the time period she heard was the most interesting, but it was still France. And Mobius was after a strong variant. A case she was not allowed to assist him with. Not that she was his assistant per se, more like a trainee. 

The longest training in the history of the TVA. All because he was obsessed with that case she wasn’t allowed to work on, all because she wasn’t experienced enough, all because he wouldn’t let her do anything. 

Except of course, waiting. At least he was bringing her things from his travels. This time she only asked for batteries, and he’d better bring her some. 

The big screen beeped and she was taken out of her thoughts by the small branch forming on the timeline. A team walked next to her, and she grabbed B-15’s sleeve as she was getting ready to go reset the timeline. 

“Hey, what’s happening ?”, she asked as the strong woman was setting coordinates on a Tempad.

“Another Loki.”

“Can I come ?” B-15 scoffed and motioned her team to get through the Time Door. 

“Not today. You stay here and wait for-”

For Mobius to come back. Yeah, I know.” G-16 rolled her eyes and watched the portal close behind them. 

Once again, she was asked to wait. And she was tired of waiting. But maybe this was her chance to finally get Mobius to let her work. She had been waiting for so long, if she had to spend another day waiting, she’d probably go insane.  

She ran to the TVA main entrance, carefully avoiding a team bringing in a Kree, and spotted Casey at his desk. 

“Is there an analyst who’s not on a mission and would be willing to help me ?”

“How am I supposed to know ?” Asking Casey was probably not the best idea. He didn’t really do anything else other than his job. That was probably why he was good at it. Someone taught him and now he didn’t need distraction. “Are you going to try and get on a trip again ?”

“Not after the last time. Mobius asked them to send me back to the archives, I’m never trying this again.” The mere memory of how she got caught trying to sneak in with a team on a field mission made her shiver. It took her so long to get where she was now, and it was almost all ruined by a stupid mistake. 

G-16 sighed and walked around the hallways, trying to find someone. After a long time of running around, she found a man she already saw talking to Mobius about his case. She walked to him and stood next to him. He didn’t even acknowledge her presence. How nice.

“They found another Loki variant.” The man stopped whatever he was doing and looked at G-16. 

“When ?” She tried to remember the words that appeared on the screen along with the new branch. 

“2012. I’m not sure. But it was in New York.” 

“I’ll go get Mobius.” 

He quickly patted her shoulder and ran away, leaving her to, once again, wait. 


“Here you are !” 

G-16 jumped from her seat. The man came back with a file and was apparently getting ready to leave. For a moment, she thought he was going to ask her to come with him. Her hopes were short lived, as always. 

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