* Alioth *

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Ophelia didn’t know how the cloud was feeling at that moment, but the whole sky had things to say. A storm had been brewing for a while now, and the wind was definitely not a light and peaceful breeze.

They were all standing on the hill, waiting for something to happen, surrounded by strange chickens running around. Those birds were really confusing to Ophelia, and for a second, she understood Casey’s confusion towards the concept of fishes. With everything going on, she hoped the poor guy was doing fine. 

When the cloud seemed to get angry again for no apparent reason, Ophelia thought that maybe he was just hungry. And it suddenly became even scarier.

“What’s the next move ?” She turned to Mobius. She almost wanted to tell him that this was the exact way he made her feel when he was telling her to wait. But she decided to save her ‘That’s how it feels’ for later. 

“The TVA needs to be brought down. We don’t know who created it or where they are, but that thing out there does. When it hit me earlier, I linked to it. It was brief, but I caught a glimpse of something. And I think if I can get close enough to it, I can enchant it.” Ophelia and Mobius looked at each other. When Sylvie told them about her plan back in the car, she seemed a lot more confident about it. “And it’s gonna take me to whoever is behind all of this.”

She took out a Tempad and handed it to Loki. All this time, she had a Tempad and she didn’t tell anyone. And now she was giving to the one person who couldn’t be trusted with keeping it safe. 

“I’m staying !” Ophelia sighed. Of course he wasn’t going back to the TVA. This nightmare was never going to end. 

“I don’t even know if this is gonna work !” She turned her head to Sylvie, in utter disbelief. A few hours before, she promised she could do it, and now she wasn’t sure. 

Loki eventually decided to give the Tempad to Mobius. While he was setting the coordinates for the TVA, he asked the remaining variants if they wanted to join him. But being the stupid variants that they were, they all decided to stay where it was the most dangerous. If Sylvie’s plan failed, at least they’d die together, along with their pet alligator.

And they very well knew they were going to die. The kid gave Loki his sword, which didn’t seem to be that special. Before they left, Ophelia kneeled to pet the alligator and thanked him for his help in the President’s demise. She had no idea if he understood, but he growled and followed his friends. 

Mobius opened the portal and got ready to leave. He stood in front of Loki for a second. 

“Looks like you got away in the end !”

“I always do !” They both exchanged a smile. 

“You still have your shadow !” Ophelia rolled her eyes at Mobius, but he didn’t seem to care. 

“Thanks for the gift ! What will you do ? At the TVA ?”

“Burn it to the ground, thanks for the spark !”

They hugged each other. To Ophelia, the whole thing seemed quite final. No one thought they were going to make it out of here alive. 

Upon hearing Mobius tell Sylvie she was his favorite, Ophelia threw her arms in the air in desperation. It took Sylvie 5 minutes to steal Mobius away from her. Centuries of following him around down the drain. Just because she wasn’t a Loki variant. 

“You did great for your first assignment. Here’s another one : come back in one piece !” Ophelia laughed and noticed Sylvie’s confused look. 

“You didn’t really think I was leaving, right ?”

Once Mobius left the Void, the three of them looked at the cloud. Alioth. That thing had a name. Ophelia got hers only 24 hours ago by stealing it from her own brain, but the one who erased her memories let a cloud have a name since the dawn of time. 

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