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G-16 was trying to get to the nearest town as fast as she could. She couldn’t stand the variants and their constant bickering. They agreed not to fight, but no one said anything about not talking. 

She laughed to herself when she heard him call the other … “variant”.

“Don’t call me variant.”

“I’m sorry I’m not calling a photocopy of me Loki.”

“Good, because that’s not who I am anymore. I’m Sylvie now.” G-16 turned around and faced them. 

“As far as I’m concerned, you’re ‘variant’ and you’re ‘woman variant’.” She pointed at them. “Can we walk faster now ?” They exchanged a look before turning back to her. 

“Your name is a number.” She rolled her eyes and walked away. They always had something to say. The variant ran after her. 

“What is your name, G-16 ? I mean, Mobius has a name.”

“I’m not ranked high enough to know it yet.” She stared in the distance. “And unlike you, I don’t care.”

For a few minutes, they managed to walk in silence, much to G-16’s pleasure. But clearly the variants had a problem with being quiet.

“How did you end up working for the boring oppressive time police ?” 

“I don’t work for them. I’m a… consultant.” G-16 laughed. 

“You’re our prisoner. And can you please stop insulting me and what I do ?” The woman grabbed her by the shoulders and forced her to turn around. 

“My name is Sylvie. I don’t want to be called a ‘woman variant’.”

“I demand the same treatment.” G-16 glanced at the variant. 

“You want me to call you by her name ?” He opened his mouth but she raised her hand and cut him off. “You don’t get to make demands.”

“Come on, you can choose a name too.” G-16 shrugged. 

“G-16 is fine. That’s my name.” They all began walking again. She didn’t like talking about stupid names. 

“Do we have a deal ?” G-16 looked at the woman. 

“Will you stop with that if I agree ?” They both nodded. “Fine.” She sighed and tried to evaluate the distance between them and the town. And apparently they were even slower when they were not talking. “What were you two arguing about back there ?”

“I was telling Sylvie that her plan to power vacuum the TVA was terrible. I’d have never done that.”

“Well, I’m not you.” She walked away, leaving G-16 alone with the var- Loki.

“Oh no, you made the angry woman even angrier.” He laughed but she gave him a disapproving look. “It’s not funny. She’s way better than you at making plans.” As she was rubbing her wrist, Loki looked at her. 

“What happened to your watch ?” 

“You sent me in the middle of an apocalypse. What do you think happened ? I lost it.” She shrugged and pretended not to care about the watch and kept on walking, silently following the woman. 

When they finally reached the city, everyone was already gone. G-16 looked around her. 

“How long do we have ?”

“12 hours or so. Things down here are only gonna get worse.” She glanced at Sylvie and then at the sky. She couldn’t imagine how it could possibly be worse than that. “More meteors, gravity quakes, and of course the collapse of society in the face of annihilation.”

The Variant's Shadow - LokixOC - ONGOINGWhere stories live. Discover now