* WTF *

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Falling. Again. 

When she got back on her feet, Ophelia looked at the ceiling. She was back at the TVA. Finally. But she was alone. 

“Hey ! Come back here ! We were talking, remember !”

“Who are you talking to ?” Ophelia screamed, tired of falling and being scared by people. She turned around and found Loki on the other side of the room, sitting on the floor. He looked miserable. 

“Oh thank God you’re here !” She ran to him and stopped before sitting by his side. She looked around. “Loki… where’s Sylvie ?”

“She… she sent me back here.” He looked back at Ophelia, anger filling his eyes. “Where were you ? You left us ! And now-” He stood up and grabbed her arm. 

“Calm down. Now.” Ophelia freed herself from his grip and took a step back. Whatever happened with them, she didn’t like it. She thought about her time waiting and sighed. “She killed Him, right ?” He nodded. “I told you to-”

“Don’t. I tried. She wouldn’t listen.” He paused and stared at Ophelia for a second. “How do you know she killed Him ?”

“She told me.”

“Sylvie ? When ?”

“What- No! Miss Minutes !” Loki seemed confused. It made sense. The last time they saw each other, she walked through a Time door. Maybe she had some explaining to do. “I was with her. We talked. She told me things. And then… Well, we were talking, and she said ‘Uh-oh’ and I fell back here.”

“She said ‘Uh-oh’.” Ophelia nodded. “Did she elaborate on that ‘Uh-oh’ ?”

“Loki, are you stupid or are you just pretending to be ? I just told you ! I fell here right after she said it !” She started walking around the room, unsure of what to do now. 

“We need to find Mobius. A War is coming.” She almost forgot about that. The little clock told her, but she told her so many things in so little time, Ophelia didn’t have the time to process all the information. 

Loki rushed outside the room, Ophelia following him closely. TVA agents were running everywhere, apparently waiting for instructions. If Sylvie really killed Him, then the Sacred Timeline was in desperate need of cleaning. 

They stopped running in the cafeteria. No one was there. A group of hunters walked by, and waved at Ophelia. She stared at them for a while. 

“What’s wrong ?” She looked at Loki and pointed at one of the hunters. 

“You see that one ?” He nodded. “He waved at me.”

“And ?”

“Well, nothing. It’s just that the last time I saw him, he hit me in the head and pruned me. And now, he’s just waving at me like nothing happened.” Loki took a second look at the hunter and shrugged. 

“Mobius probably told them the truth and it’s his way of apologizing.”

Ophelia rolled her eyes and pulled on Loki’s sleeve. They shouldn’t be losing any time, and Loki was probably right. He followed her down the hallways, pushing agents left and right. She was heading to the archives. He had to be there. She followed that man for so long, and he was always in the archives. 

As they were running between the shelves, Ophelia heard Mobius’ voice and pushed Loki in the right direction. As they were approaching, they saw him in a deep conversation with B-15. Ophelia had never been so relieved to see her. She was fine. 

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