* Newbies *

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That file was absolutely fascinating to G-16. She had no idea one person could make so many mistakes. She had been reading the variant’s file for days now, and she had to say, she learned quite a lot about him. For example that he should not be trusted under any circumstance, that he always had a plan -most likely awful, but a plan nonetheless- and that he had the wrong idea of his own importance. 

G-16 was taking her first mission very seriously. Everywhere the variant was going, she followed. Most of the time, he didn’t even know she was there. She wasn’t telling everything to Mobius, the poor man didn’t need to know about the variant’s bathroom breaks, but enough for him to need her. 

There were times when the variant knew she was there, and he’d just walk around the place to mess with her. She ended up making sure he was not allowed in more parts of the TVA than necessary and they got into a pretty big argument. Which ended up with Mobius giving the variant all his prior access back. 

Since then, she decided to actually hate the variant and she made sure that he never knew where she was, and it was actually driving him crazy. And she enjoyed that very much.

G-16 was bored of all his stupid plans. She turned a few pages and ended up exactly where the fun was.  

When he decided to take his chance against Thanos with a knife. 

She could never be bored of that story. If one day she was to train someone like Mobius was training her, that would be the first thing she would show them. That glorious time when a God thought the best way to defeat a Titan was to stab him to death. 

Only to show them how stupid some variants could be. 

As she was getting to the best part, she heard another hit on the desk behind her. She ignored the first one, but it was getting really annoying. She sighed and closed her files. 

"Watch it ! Where’s your manners ?” After another attack from the variant, Miss Minutes disappeared into the computer. She was a rather patient little thing, and he managed to offend her. 

“Don’t be mean to her. She’s cute.” G-16 turned around and kneeled on her seat, only sticking her head above the booth. 

“What-” The variant moved his chair to the side to look at the desk she was occupying. “Is it your desk ?”

“Nope. But I needed some place to read.”

“Whose desk is it, then ?” G-16 shrugged. “I didn’t see you coming in.”

“I was already there when you started. And you should be more serious about it. They’ll never let you on the field if you don’t study.” The variant laughed at her. “And if they don’t let you on the field, I’ll be stuck here with you forever. Please, study.”

“They need me. I’m sure I’ll be out there before you.” He paused and stared at her for a few seconds. “How did you know I’d be here ?” 

“It’s my job. Now, do yours and let me read.” She grabbed the file on the desk she borrowed and wiggled it in front of the variant’s face. “Tell me. Why did you use a knife ? My theory is that you’re an idiot.”

The variant grabbed the file from her hand and threw it in the bin. He opened his mouth and got ready to say something very clever for sure, but he was interrupted by Mobius giving him a death stare. 

“You’re throwing away official files, now ?” He glanced at G-16, and she rolled her eyes. 

“Not only does he refuse to study, but he’s now preventing me from doing my job properly.”

The Variant's Shadow - LokixOC - ONGOINGWhere stories live. Discover now