* Glorious purposes *

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They walked out of the Time door, and G-16 started looking around her. Outside. She had never seen anything else than the walls of the TVA in all of her very long existence. Granted, she spent a lot of time watching tapes on holograms during her breaks when she was working at the archives, but this was completely different. 

The sun blinded her eyes, the air was different, the way the sounds were moving around the space was different, the wall against her back felt different, all those new smells were tickling her nose. All of her senses were on high alert. At that moment, she knew that was where she always wanted to be. Outside. 

“Any minute now.”

“Until this entire town is wiped off the face of this planet. Imagine.”

They were way too excited about this. Sure, being outside the TVA was great, but all these people would be dead in a few minutes. No survivors. Classic apocalypse. Here they were, living their lives, not knowing about what was going to happen to them. And G-16 didn’t know how to feel about this. 

She turned to the men behind her and gave them a disapproving look. 

“This is not ‘cool’.”

“They’re all gonna die anyway.”

She looked away. She couldn’t believe the variant didn’t care for a second about so many lives. But again, he didn’t care either about his own home being destroyed. 

“You two are making the end of the world sound boring !”

“Anything we do could impact the course of History. We’re gonna start with very small disturbances. Can you make bird noises ?” G-16 turned around to face Mobius. 

“Bird noises ?”

Apparently, the variant didn’t know how to make bird noises, because he just ran towards the people on the market. And he decided to open a cart full of goats. 

“Be free, my horned friends, be free !”

G-16 watched as the goats began running in all directions. She already knew the answer, but she wasn’t a real expert yet. 

“Mobius, is this considered a ‘small disturbance’ ?”

“Not really, no.”

The variant climbed on the side of the cart and began talking to everyone. G-16 was rather impressed with his knowledge of the latin language, but Mobius was definitely starting to think this was all a very bad idea. He rubbed his face with his hands, desperate with the variant’s behavior. 

“We are from the future, right ? What is the TVA ? I mean, it’s from the future. It sounds from the future. Pretty futury.” 

The volcano finally erupted, and the TVA agents stared at the variant as he was running around, throwing cabbages in the air. 

“Nothing matters ! Nothing has any consequences !”

G-16 was a little concerned about the current turn of events. More cabbages were thrown, along with carrots and salads. 

“Do you think his time in the TVA turned him insane ? He looks insane.” Mobius didn’t say anything, and she glanced at him. His eyes were glued on the Tempad. 

“I don’t believe it. Zero variance energy, no branch in the timeline.”

The variant stopped acting like a mad man and stood before them, spreading his arms while the volcano was destroying everything behind him. 

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