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Hi !!

After 2 years, I'm about to start writing here again !

I have ideas, I gave myself a few headaches already because I promised a happy ending and Marvel didn't help me with it 😅

I think I got it.

The first chapter of the sequel might happen in a week or so, as well as a heavy edit of the first part. Nothing about the plot that I know how to use for what happened in S2, but grammar and stuff. I think I got better at writing in the past two years, and I cringed when I tried to read it all over again to get back into it.

The sequel is happening SOON.

Thanks for everyone who's been reading lately, and commenting, and voting, and I love you all.

Have a great day !

The Variant's Shadow - LokixOC - ONGOINGWhere stories live. Discover now