* First Assignment *

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G-16 stormed out of the room. And if she was scared of Mobius’ reaction, she was actually terrified of what B-15 would say when she’d learn the variant was gone. 

“You think everyone should be reset !” Mobius yelled at B-15. He turned to G-16, who just got out of the Time Theater, looking as guilty as ever. “I told you to stay inside.”

“You told me to make sure the variant wasn’t going anywhere. Here’s the thing.” G-16 took a deep breath and tried not to look at the very experienced agents in front of her. “He’s gone. He took the Time twister while we were talking and he left.”

“How did he get one ?” B-15 was already in a bad mood when she came into that room, and her day was only getting worse every second. And this variant was the cause of all her problems. 

“I had to use it. He tried to attack Mobius, and I may have left it on the table after that.” 

The hunter sighed and called for her team. As they all began running in the hallway, screaming at each other, B-15 decided to split the team to find the variant quicker. 

“Prune on sight.”

“No ! No pruning, no resetting !” Mobius didn’t want to let go of the variant. He didn’t go that far to let him be pruned that easily. 

While everyone was running away, he grabbed G-16’s arm and pushed her in a corner. 

“I’m sorry Mobius, I didn’t know. How did he learn to use it that fast anyway ?” He raised a hand and she stopped talking. 

“It’s ok. I shouldn’t have left you alone with him. Now, I don’t know how you do it, but you’re good at finding people.” She smiled at him. He was probably referring to the countless times she found him while he was trying to get away from her. “Find Loki.”

“What next ?” Finding the variant was probably the easiest part. Making sure he wasn’t going to escape again seemed to be the difficult one. 

“Stay with him. Never leave. You’re his shadow now. Congratulations, this is your first mission.” Mobius let go of her arm and ran down the hall. 

She had a mission. 

Finally something that didn’t involve waiting. The problem was, she didn’t know the variant. Most of her talent at finding people relied on the fact that she observed people, and got to know them. She didn’t know anything about him, except that he was angry, sneaky, and he wanted to leave. 

He wanted to leave. He probably went back to the start of the time twister. When he got to the TVA. 


When she finally got to Casey’s desk, he was rambling about people being rude. G-16 walked to him and tried to be as nice as possible. 

“Casey ! It’s been a while ! How is it going ?” He looked at her and seemed happy someone was finally checking up on him. 

“The criminal with the blue box. He attacked me.”

“Which one ?”

“He sounded fancy.” G-16 rolled her eyes at him and sighed. 

“They both sound fancy, Casey. What was the size of the blue box ?” Casey started to show her with his hands. Judging by the small size, he was probably talking about the one she was looking for. 

Any other day, she would have been disappointed. She was really enjoying the files about the other criminal with the blue box. And she would be so happy to finally meet one of his variants. 

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