* The Time Theater *

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Mobius was done setting everything up for his interrogation, and G-16 had been ready to take notes for a while now. But the variant was putting on a show, tried to attack Mobius, and then began to talk. And talk again. G-16 was reconsidering her will to work on that case if there was to be so much talking.

When they were finally all ready to get to work, she took out the cap of her pen. Finally, he agreed to sit down with them.  

“What do you want from me ?” This variant had a lot of questions. 

Before she was sent to train with Mobius, G-16 had been allowed to assist in a decent amount of interrogations. Enough to know the variants were not supposed to talk that much or ask so many questions. 

But for whatever reason, Mobius didn’t seem to care. Worse, he was rather nice to this one. 

She watched them talk for a while, not knowing if she had to take notes of everything. She wasn’t sure if the variant’s ability to cooperate was relevant or not. Actually, she didn’t know if anything he was saying was relevant or not. 

“I specialize in the pursuit of dangerous variants.” Mobius opened a soda can and took a sip from it. 

“Like myself.” G-16 was confused for a second. She checked the front page from the variant’s file and smiled. He was definitely not considered dangerous to the Timeline. She was probably a bigger threat to Mobius than him. 

“No, particularly dangerous variants. You’re just a… little pussycat.”

G-16 let out a chuckle, which earned her death glares from both men. 

“Sorry. It’s just the-” Mobius shook his head, reminding her that she promised not to talk. And with her blatant lack of experience, she would probably ruin everything he was trying to do.  

“I’ve got a set of questions for you. You answer them honestly and then maybe I can give you something you want.” G-16 knew it wasn’t the standard procedure, but Mobius seemed to have a way with the variant. 

“And what is she doing here ?” She raised her head and noticed the variant looking at her. 

“What, me ?”

“She’s just writing and keeping her mouth shut.” Mobius was staring at her. She nodded and put her eyes back on the paper, and heard a scornful laugh from the variant. 

“She’s not doing a very good job.”

“She’s new.”

“I’m not- sorry.” G-16 remembered her promise and didn’t finish her sentence. She didn’t want to be kicked out of the room just yet. 

But she wasn’t exactly ‘new’. She had been working at the Tempad department for quite a while, but she didn’t like it and managed to convince people to send her to the archives. 

She thought that she’d be reading everything about what was happening in the Universe once she’d be there. But she ended up organizing files all day. So she decided her true purpose was to become a hunter. They refused for a while, but she made sure to ask for it every time she saw her supervisor. And for a mysterious reason, they ran into each other a lot. Until she was assigned to Mobius. 

Not really a hunter’s job, but close enough. At least it would get her somewhere else than the halls of the TVA. Or so she thought. Because it had been a long time, and she had never been outside yet. 

“Should you return, what are you gonna do ?” G-16 got ready to write. Finally they were getting to the interesting stuff. 

“Finish what I started.”

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